Thank you from a beginner

May 14, 2016
Dear audiophiles,

For quite some time I have been in the market for a new hifi system. I had some clear requirements in my mind but nonetheless I did not know much about the electronics, the differences among types of speakers, the sound of a particular brand, and so on.

Like many starters it is this forum that pointed me to some attention points and possible gear combinations. What surprised me is that quite some persons urged advice-seekers to go and listen to the music. To me this was quite surprising, as an IT / mathematician I was wondering how this could be: all of the devices are electronics, hard science, and based on the materials used, noise cancellations methods installed, and so on, you should be able to pinpoint the best system given a budget, right?

Although I was happy to have some guidance regarding equipment, but all of you advicers that said "Go to the shop and listen for yourself"...well... thanks a lot. Just from this list I was planning on having a Hegel integrated amp with some Kef R speakers. I sought a hi-fi shop and started demoing this combination with my musical preference. Initially I thought it sounded nice but there was also an unpleasant feeling saying "Do I have to pay so much for this kind of sound"? Sure it sounded better than my current system but for 3x the money I was quite disappointed. Together with the person in the shop we started testing other amps and speakers. And then I understood all of you. So much difference wrt your musical preference. And sometimes gear gets overhyped.

So, today, I have a small hi-fi installation I fell in love with. I even cannot stop looking at it, and boy, when I start playing my favourite music... it is so captivating. I have opted for a Cambridge 851A amplifier and 851N network player. Sonos is also attached. As speakers I have chosen for the Focal Aria 926 in black which I find absolutely brilliant and stunning (but they are not so well presented in this forum). Anyway, these speakers were not on my shortlist to be honest.

So all of you... thank you so much from preventing me to just find the lowest price on the internet regarding electronicis highly valued on this website. I would have bought something not to my taste. I am eager to learn more and more.

Glad you got sorted...and took on the advise to go and listen.

It soon becomes clear what you prefer and you don't need to be an expert to know what you just need a list of stuff to try and a helpful dealer.
Glad you have succeeded in finding a system that you enjoy.

It is interesting that you have chosen the Focal Aria 926; i bought some Focal Aria 936's in the january sales, and find myself enjoying listening to jazz with them - they have a deep bass response that does bring some tracks to life.
Pleased for you Stijn *smile* Always nice to hear from happy and contented music lovers and their journey.
hi and congrats on taking your time and letting your ears decide 🙂

for the record, I've never seen anyone diss the Focal Aria range. They're absolutely brilliant speakers imo.
Did you do a comparison of the Hegel and the Cambridge amplifiers using the same speakers? I'd be interested in your view of how they compared with all else the same.
I compared directly the Cambridge 851A and Hegel H80 on the Focal Aria 926 by immediately switching amp during the same song. I do not remember all test tracks, but it included Guns N Roses with Patience, some tracks from Nirvana's MTV Unplugged album and some Red Hot Chilli Peppers (among others, Otherside). I know that the Hegel is very highly regarded on this forum, but honestly speaking, I could almost hear no difference between the two amps. Which is a good thing since both sound great.

I could buy the Cambridge with some discount and the same was true for the 851N, so this versatile combo seemed better than going for a Hegel set-up. I did not demo the Hegel H160 though.
Stijn Vanderlooy said:
I compared directly the Cambridge 851A and Hegel H80 on the Focal Aria 926 by immediately switching amp during the same song. I do not remember all test tracks, but it included Guns N Roses with Patience, some tracks from Nirvana's MTV Unplugged album and some Red Hot Chilli Peppers (among others, Otherside). I know that the Hegel is very highly regarded on this forum, but honestly speaking, I could almost hear no difference between the two amps. Which is a good thing since both sound great.

I could buy the Cambridge with some discount and the same was true for the 851N, so this versatile combo seemed better than going for a Hegel set-up. I did not demo the Hegel H160 though.

Did you ever read this review of the 926s by Andrew Everard?


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