Temple Audio Bantam Gold


New member
Jun 8, 2007
Is anyone here using this amp ? How's the sound and is it reliable ?

Thanks 🙂
Cypher said:
Is anyone here using this amp ? How's the sound and is it reliable ?

Thanks 🙂

I haven't heard the Gold, but I used the classic for a few years and at modest volumes it was excellent.

The Gold is more powerful and supposedly much better.

Reliability was good. But then it's a little black box with very few connections, and a volume knob 🙂

The only problem can be that heavy interconnects or speaker cable can tip it 🙂
Hi Cypher,

I'm really surprised the amp isn't mentioned more on the forum. I've mentioned the amp and company in a couple of posts I've done, but no one seems bothered... The amp is a giant killer put plain and simple, You really do get a lot of bang for your buck with the Gold. It would be great for WHF to review the amp. It's sound is very detailed and really can pack a punch, good sound staging also. I now use the monoblock version and use SLA batteries to power them, I find using the batteries gives me a blacker background when listening. As for reliability no issues but you get a three year warranty and you can even send them back within sixty days.
Excellent customer service to match and I can't say a bad thing about John the owner or the company. The PCB is a work of art, and I always chuckle when I see the guts of more expensive amps.

I own one.It´s a great amp, very capable. I compare it to a mini Naim. Same clarity, same dynamics, excellent transparency. Miles ahead of the other T amp. The only alternative I know is the Topping TP 60 as it offer 2 inputs and 2x50 w at 8 ohms. But the Bantam Gold can drive my Zensor 7 (90dB 6 ohms) with ease at moderate volume. For the price, it´s a brilliant amp. Without consideration of the price, it´s an excellent amp, very much comparable to amps costing 2 to three times more.

It is also very well built with excellent components should I mention.

My 2 cents.
Hi, I've been using Temple Audio products for some years now, started with a 'classic' amp which replaced my Cambridge Audio 640 amp (I still use the equivalent cdp). It didn't go as loud using my hard to drive Dynaudio speakers, but the soundstage was much better as was overall quality. Bass was particularly strong even at low volume. I got a 'gold' a few years ago, swapped my speakers with a mate for B&W 603 S3's (easier to drive and more toddler resistant..). Louder volumes much more achievable, regardless of speaker (I'd still recommend higher sensitivity though - my dynaudio's still struggled a bit at 86/4 ohm, but sounded even better at low volume), and the clarity kicked up a notch. I'd so recommend these amps, the quality is frankly startling for the price. I've put this amp in place of an older Naim amp (sorry don't know model) in a friends higher end set up, and apart from outright volume the sound quality difference wasn't really apparent. If you've got a preamp and need more than one input John at Temple Audio will happily build a 'gold' as a power amp for greater flexibility. My next upgrades will hopefully be Tannoy dc6t se's, audiolab 8200 cdq and a pair of Temple Audio monoblocks. I'll be happy with that for many years (probably!)). Thanks to Temple Audio for shattering a few illusions about quality and cost in the hifi world.


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