Technics EAH-AZ100 vs Sony WF-1000XM5: which premium wireless earbuds are better?

Only you can make the right decision, everyone is unique, also with regard to their taste in sound reproduction. Connected the IEM to my DAC and for the first time heard reproduction similar to an electrostatic speaker. Be careful, they are not powered the same as headphones. Indeed not wireless, but the audio reproduction is unique. Maybe it would be wise to try it once.
Sony greatly simplified the dilemma for me when they destroyed my 1000XM4 earbuds via their upgrade then refused to fix the problem. I will never again buy Sony product for as long as I am alive. Technics it is.
Sony greatly simplified the dilemma for me when they destroyed my 1000XM4 earbuds via their upgrade then refused to fix the problem. I will never again buy Sony product for as long as I am alive. Technics it is.
Thanks for the warning, customer service is very important. Brands say nothing, my first CD player was a REVOX that brand makes junk, after the warranty period it did not work anymore. Didn't have this repaired, just spent more than a thousand guilders on parts!
I have been a LONG TIME user of the 1000XM3's. They have been my daily commute earbuds and performed admirably. I switched to the AZ100's and it's a night-and-day improvement over the Sony's. Bass is tighter and more impactful. Mids are less muddy. It's a noticeable improvement. The Technics compare very closely to my home music headphones (B&W px7 s2e). The Technics are also a lot more comfortable and I have had far fewer ear drop-outs compared to the oddly balanced Sony's.


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