Tacima CS929


New member
Jul 23, 2010
I am considering replacing my standard 6 way masterplug power strip for a tacima cs929 but have heard they can strangle amps, would this be because of a low load limit? My amp isn't a really powerful amp (500 watts max according to the technical specs) and I have worked out that my entire system will consume around 800 watts peak and if i crank the amp up the tv would normally be turned off. I would have thought that any power strip should be able to handle this without any problem, or is it due to something with the way the tacima filters and conditions the mains supply that affects performance with amps?


New member
May 27, 2009
Good point and well raised.

I've always thought that if the Tacima is rated at 13 amps, then high current transients etc needed for delivery to the amp should not be a problem, so I have tended to scoff at the whole idea of the amp being "strangled" however..........

Recently I I won a 2 metere Chord Power Chord (to complement all the others I have) and decided to plug the amp to a wall socket and not through the Tacima.................and there does seem to be an audible difference in terms of out right delivery and pace.

Doesn't make sense, unless it is the induction coil and capacitors that some how cloud the power supply (how is a step beyond me, but as a believer of cables, power chords, HDMI, interconnects etc I am prepared to accept this), and for me connect amp power supply separately to a wall socket

Now wait for the fall out............

PS, my amp is also only rated at 500w, 2.1 amps on the nameplate, and will never ever close to that due to all regulations around device protection, standards etc etc that is built in and allowed for within the name plate values

EDIT; by all means get the Tacima, they are very good, just don't plug your amp in to it. I have everything plugged in but the amp.


The Tacima I had is now just with the TV and surround sound system

I did have it on the hifi but found that the amp sounded a little dulled down and the bass become hollow at times

Swapped the Tacima for a standard fused extension lead and it's now singing away as it should