Surge protectors!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
For the last few years, I've had my amp plugged directly into the wall. A few months ago, I purchased a surge protector. The idea was that this would protect my equipment from a power surge that could ruin my equipment (like say a lightning strike), and also filter verious noise from the current. Great, right?

Well, I recently noticed that my amp does not sound the same all the time. Some of the time it sounds like I expect (wonderful) and other times, it's rubbish. It finally dawned on me that this corresponds with when I purchased the surge proctector and started plugging my amp into it instead of the wall outlet.

Today I removed the surge protector for the Hi-Fi gear. Everything sounds great so far. I don't think I'll be using one from here out. I'll take my chances with a lightning strike...


For the last few years, I've had my amp plugged directly into the wall.ÿ A few months ago, I purchased a surge protector.ÿ The idea was that this would protect my equipment from a power surge that could ruin my equipment (like say a lightning strike), and also filter verious noise from the current.ÿ Great, right?ÿ

Well, I recently noticed that my amp does not sound the same all the time.ÿ Some of the time it sounds like I expect (wonderful) and other times, it's rubbish.ÿ It finally dawned on me that this corresponds with when I purchased the surge proctector and started plugging my amp into it instead of the wall outlet.

Today I removed the surge protector for the Hi-Fi gear.ÿ Everything sounds great so far.ÿ I don't think I'll be using one from here out.ÿ I'll take my chances with a lightning strike...

Interestingly enough, the research I've been doing on a related topic bears out what you say. Also, having had experience with them in one of the lightning capitals of the world, they don't work with lightning. Only unplugging from the mains does.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
The first one i bought cost about £9.00.I switch everything off for the night & when i plugged everything into it & switched off, the breaker in the consumer unit tripped,no fun hunting for a torch in the dark.

Happened a couple of times before it dawned on me that it was the protector.It didn't affect the sound from the amp though.

I bought,for me an expensive one,about £30 but no problems since.My 'phone & tv aerial go into it.


I also run NAD kit but with Mission speakers and recently bought a Tacima surge protector/mains conditioner. I noticed that the sound is different but not necessarily better. There is more detail (good) but more sibilance (bad).


I've got the Belkin mains conditioner and to be honest yes its made a difference but im still undecided wether its better. although im sure it can make a big in the right circumstances, Just not in my case :( shame as cheap upgrades are good


Well-known member
May 28, 2008
I have a QED Conduit and 2 off its 6 sockets are designated for higher draw appliances like amps. You could try putting the rest of your gear back into protector but leave amp plugged into wall. That may improve things.


A surge limiter socket won't affect performance, so don't worry about it. They are a very good idea.


Mr Modesty:A surge limiter socket won't affect performance, so don't worry about it. They are a very good idea.

But if you want them to protect against lightning strikes, they're useless.ÿ


Mr Modesty:A surge limiter socket won't affect performance, so don't worry about it. They are a very good idea.

But if you want them to protect against lightning strikes, they're useless.

Nothing will protect against a direct strike, but a mains surge caused by a strike should be reduced. It certainly won't do any harm.


I had the same question regarding surge protectors. I initially bought surge protectors, then went for the Tacima block, based on comments on this board and the WHSV review. The Tacima definitely improved my TV picture. I also added another to my Cyrus 8vs2 and CD8x. This made the sound even more detailed, but lacked a bit of oomph. After a few months, I have taken both the amp and CDP off the Tacima, and the sound generated is much better - and strangely, much louder and more powerful. The sound is more "lifelike" and very dynamic.

Before removing the surge protection, I did some investigating. Most domestic appliances should have a degree of surge protection built in, including hifi kit. Where you do need to worry is for computer equipment, which is connected to both the domestic system, and often the telephone system. The telephone system apparently has different standards to the mains, therefore you should always surge protect anything connected to the phone system, e.g. your PC.

In case Trevor is reading this, my domestic electricity panel, newly replaced, uses circuit breakers exclusively, not fuses. I had my previous hifi, (a Teac Ref 300) for ten years, plugged directly into the mains, and connected to MA S1 speakers, and never had any issues.

I never considered mains issues until reading this forum.....


Which shows you the danger of these forums! Seriously, nothing can protect against a lightning strike, it's not possible to predict where the strike will be, so the rule is unplug, not just hifi but everything else, too.

Not such a problem in the UK, by the way, but the case in many other countries.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
At the same time as Russ Andrews produced the yello mains extension he also produced a blu one for computers with surge protection. It enhances rather than degrades sound and picture quality and that is on a variety of kit. It is presently powering my Sounddock, amp (with its massive 3 watt output!) and my laptop. He now has a wide range of products ranging from £20 up to £275 for surge protection and the blurb certainly suggests protection from lightning strikes.................

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
Jaxwired, so are you saying that it's best to plug an amp directly into the wall?

It's that iv'e heard someone mention this before that it improves the performance of the amp, i guess it makes sense as then the amp is getting a direct feed from the mains & therefore can have the power when it needs it.

I'm going to try this out for myself as i've got a spare outlet that i can reach , then ill post my result, if it's as good as you & a few others have said then it should be very noticeable improvement...


I purchased a Tacima mains block a few months ago and have plugged my dac, cd player and pre-amp in to it.

This block strangles power to amplifiers so these should not be plugged in to it at all.

My power amps are Musical Fidelity and have an off board mains transformer. I spoke to MF support and was told by the engineer that the transformer cleans up the the mains signal anyway so it was useless to use a mains conditioner for them - these were left plugged directly in to wall sockets.

The sound improved quite considerably. Perhaps my mains is particularly bad....or I suppose it could be that the Tacima is just very good!!

Impressed, and with the theory proved, a few weeks ago I purchased a 6 way QED conduit. As mentioned earlier in this thread it has 2 dedicated sockets for power amps rated at 1kW each. I swapped everything over to it.

This had a negative effect on the sound - it still sounded better than it used to without any conditioner at all but a little restrained or less open than when the amps were connected to wall sockets.

With the amps back in the wall sockets, I did not feel that the QED was any better than the Tacima.

The upshot is that I have found that it is best to not impede the mains signal to the amps whatsoever and that the law of diminishing returns definitely kicked in when upgarding from the Tacima.

The QED Conduit has been sold!!!

- jason.


Plugging the amp into it's own socket rather than something like a Tacima is what i Concluded from the advice on another thread. I've got a Tacima still in it's packaging all ready to go. When I get chance to pull the hifi aapart to install it, that is what I intend to do. I should have CD, BD, DVD, X-box 360 and iPod dock into Tacima and Amp into the spare wall socket. I intend then to get something like a Clearer Audio Copperline Alpha for the amp. It's just that its gotten to be a mess of cables back there and it's gonna be full evening sorting it all out. Plus she'll want me to have a good hoover/dust as well. First thing is to get the AE op and running this evening.

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
Blimey ! Well your right guys ive just plugged my amp directly into its own wall socket & the improvements are highly noticeable to say the least.

I tried King Kong on bluray & the DTS master audio track is hugely impressive, it definately sounds more open & much more detailed also the surrounds sound more well placed & the overall sound seems louder!

Im also using a RA classic powercord from the amp to the wall.

All that time ive had my amp plugged into a powerblock? Im surprised that somebody like Russ Andrews hasnt mentioned to do this ?


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
From plinius web site:

"We have found that any mains conditioner, or filter, that acts in series with the mains (and most work this way) will starve the amplifier and negatively affect the sound. Try plugging the amplifier directly into the wall socket."


New member
Aug 27, 2008
I purchased a Tacima mains block a few months ago and have plugged my dac, cd player and pre-amp in to it.

This block strangles power to amplifiers so these should not be plugged in to it at all.

REALLY glad you posted that. Some people just wouldnt believe me as said the tacimas good for almost any load


My power amps are Musical Fidelity and have an off board mains transformer. I spoke to MF support and was told by the engineer that the transformer cleans up the the mains signal anyway so it was useless to use a mains conditioner for them - these were left plugged directly in to wall sockets.

Not entirely true. Some conditioners do work very well (Isotek TITAN etc)


The sound improved quite considerably. Perhaps my mains is particularly bad....or I suppose it could be that the Tacima is just very good!!

Impressed, and with the theory proved, a few weeks ago I purchased a 6 way QED conduit. As mentioned earlier in this thread it has 2 dedicated sockets for power amps rated at 1kW each. I swapped everything over to it.

This had a negative effect on the sound - it still sounded better than it used to without any conditioner at all but a little restrained or less open than when the amps were connected to wall sockets.

With the amps back in the wall sockets, I did not feel that the QED was any better than the Tacima.

The upshot is that I have found that it is best to not impede the mains signal to the amps whatsoever and that the law of diminishing returns definitely kicked in when upgarding from the Tacima.

The QED Conduit has been sold!!!

- jason.

I dont have one so cant comment. But I think you were a little too quick to rid yourself of the QED. Id suggest testing things of this nature over MONTHS if you can


New member
Aug 27, 2008
jase fox:Blimey ! Well your right guys ive just plugged my amp directly into its own wall socket & the improvements are highly noticeable to say the least.

I tried King Kong on bluray & the DTS master audio track is hugely impressive, it definately sounds more open & much more detailed also the surrounds sound more well placed & the overall sound seems louder!

Im also using a RA classic powercord from the amp to the wall.

All that time ive had my amp plugged into a powerblock? Im surprised that somebody like Russ Andrews hasnt mentioned to do this ?

JUST a powerblock or one with the 'clamp' fitted too?

jase fox

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2008
This is my up to date opinion from my 1st demo of this subject matter.

Having plugged my amp directly into the wall socket as you can see from my 1st reaction i was impressed with King Kong & the DTS master track & that does still stand, however on a more in depth review with other movies & music i got to feel there was something missing? Music sound more detailed but i felt it lacked some depth & power & this was the same for movies, whilst watching "fly boys" on bluray the explosions did lack the power that id been used to & the whole presence of the movie just wasnt the same.

So, even though i was initially surprised how good the sound was without it being plugged into my mains block with a silencer closer examination revealed some flaws i couldnt live without.
I dont think plugging my amp into a mains block strangles the power of my amp i just think it sounds different to some degree & like all these things its best to try it for yourself.

I definately now prefer my amp in the mains block but like someone has stated that all blocks probably work differently? But this experiment is now closed for me.

AlienRik, i dont have a clamp on my block.


Plinius aren't the only manufacturer who recommend plugging the amplifier directly into the wall socket, Bryston do also.


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