Surface RT (64 GB) vs Samsung galaxy tab 3 (16GB)?


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Sep 10, 2008
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Last Friday I was looking for a tab and ended up with a Windows Surface RT (64GB). Originally I had in mind the Samsung galaxy tab 3 (10’) but, finally decided to take advantage of the deal and try something different. The Surface RT was 210 pound and the Samsung price was around 260 pound.

I thought it was pretty good price for the 64 GB model compared to what it used to be so, decided to take it home. Also, I thought that the Samsung looked a bit like a toy in comparison. I have been using it for 2 days and I must admit that I like pretty much. However, I cannot stop thinking that I am purchasing the biggest failure of Microsoft (after Zune) and that it is likely to become an obsolete brick only in a few months. In addition it has major limitations like the OS itself (Windows RT) and a lot of missing apps: No DS apps, no onkyo app, no spotify app, etc. Will Microsoft finally fix these issues, or is it likely to get worse….? Surface RT or Galaxy tab? This is the dilemma. I still have 15 days to take it back. Any comments will be very much appreciated.


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Jun 9, 2009
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I know people continue to slate Windows RT but that only down to its apps but more and more apps are being added daily, if you look at the bigger picture it took years to get things like SKY GO, Sonos and Spotify on Android and iOS.

Windows RT is here to stay and the problems aren't all Microsft, app developers have not been taking the RT OS seriously proberbly because of the press but things are changing around. RT 8.1 is a solid mobile OS and once you get past its not Android and its not Apple it works well.

I know for me once things like SKY GO and Sonos are aboard i will have no problem ditching my iPad for the new Nokia tablet.

O and i have a question for you.......

Does RT version of Flixtser support your UV movies yet?

and have you ripped a movie and managed to put it on your tablet?

sorry that two questions :)


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Mar 20, 2008
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I have had the previous version of the tab for a year. Still very happy with it. They are selling the Surface off cheap for a reason.


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Sep 10, 2008
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After 2 weeks of use I have to say that I am quite happy with the tablet. However there is an obvious issue with the lack of apps and I do not see these growing everyday, not at all. Microsoft needs to clarify its strategy for RT otherwise it will be difficult to convince developers to invest time and effort in a SO that is likely going to dissapear midterm. In any case it has almost all the apps that I need so, it works for me.

Regardig Flixter, I do not use so, cant tell. As for the movies I have a few with the usual formats ex .avi, xvid,etc and they work fine.



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Jan 7, 2008
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The only issue I had with the Surface (pro AND RT) was that it is too thick and heavy for a tablet.

I ended up with an HP Envy x2 which has full windows 8 (8.1 now) and a good keyboard.

It's only Atom powered but for its intended purpose that is enough.

It is excellent as a tablet too and in daily use...:)


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I believe that MS joined the tablet market very late, on the othet hand they come in a moment that users are a bit bored of the same iPads and Android stuff and want new toys. My personal feeling is that windows tablets are going to expand pretty fast. Next year will be their year for growth.


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Jul 17, 2012
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the rt was pretty much dead in the water before it was even released imho. Not a bad bit of kit by any means, but lack of apps and lack of plans and roadmap for those apps have left it too far behind already.

Now a full on surface tablet (not the rt version) is a different kettle of fish all together.


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cheeseboy said:
the rt was pretty much dead in the water before it was even released imho. Not a bad bit of kit by any means, but lack of apps and lack of plans and roadmap for those apps have left it too far behind already.

Now a full on surface tablet (not the rt version) is a different kettle of fish all together.

Yes, and that is a pitty because it is a great product in concept, however, the possitioning strategy was totally wrong. You can not manage 3 OS enviroments with 3 different app stores. It is ridiculous to ask developers to make 3 different versions of the same app + Android + iOS. Also, the price of RT should have been much much lower when there are tablets at full Windows 8 already out there.

I do not know what will happen with RT whether it will merge with windows phone or whether it will just disapear. There are lots of rumours out there but only time will tell.

From my side, althougth I know that I have just purchased a piece of brick that is already obsolete, I can only say that I like it very much so far and I would still recommend it at the right price of course.


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Jun 9, 2009
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RT isn't dead its just starting, from what i hear Microsoft are planning to link the app store between mobile and RT so things from mobile will work with RT just like iOS and Android

The mobile app store sounds like its growning faster then the RT as i have a Nokia 520 and i'm seeing new content all the time and it has a lot of the stuff you claim RT doesn't


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Sep 10, 2008
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That would be great but do not know whether that is possible unless they merge the OS first. I asked in the support forum and one of the guys from MS told me that each OS requires its own app version. The apps from Phone OS can not jut be used in RT they require their own rt version. Anyway, I think that there are just too many roumors out there and people hearing different things. This does no do any good to MS nor the users so, I hope they clarify soon.