Subwoofer questions


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm having to sell my Wharfedale Diamond 9.4 floorstanders and want to replace them with a pair of smaller speakers I can mount on the wall + a subwoofer. Having never owned a sub I'm a bit clueless about what to get and how it connects to the system.

My amp is a Cambridge Azur 640A. Is a sub powered or does the amp drive it? If it's powered then how do I send a signal to it? I'm also looking for suggestions for a setup that will sound equal or better then my Wharfedales.

Thanks in advance
subwoofers have built in amplifers(if there any good) if your cambridge amp has a subwoofer pre-out socket at the back, then you can run a subwoofer or coaxial cable from the amp to the sub, the sub will then respond to the signals it receives.
Buy a sub with high level/speaker level connections and just run speaker cable from the amp's speaker terminals to the sub.
The 640A has pre amp out's so you can run them to a sup (so you will need a sup with L & R inputs). you will then need to "play" with the crossover and level of the sub to match it with your speakers.

What budget do you have?, are you looking at new stuff or second hand? did you like the dimond's sound? what do you listen to?

Thanks for the replies. I'm getting rid of the Wharfedales before they're destroyed by my small child who likes fingering the cones with her sticky digits.

I assumed that to get the same bass response from wall mounted speakers I would need to have a sub as well. That's why I'm looking at this setup, but I do find the Wharfedales a bit bass light.

I don't have a fixed budget but I'm hoping to stick to the lower priced end of the market. I will be buying the speakers first and then adding a sub if I feel it needs it so around £250ish for the speakers.
Thanks for the replies. I'm getting rid of the Wharfedales before they're destroyed by my small child who likes fingering the cones with her sticky digits.

I assumed that to get the same bass response from wall mounted speakers I would need to have a sub as well. That's why I'm looking at this setup, but I do find the Wharfedales a bit bass light.

I don't have a fixed budget but I'm hoping to stick to the lower priced end of the market. I will be buying the speakers first and then adding a sub if I feel it needs it so around £250ish for the speakers.


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