sub-woofer test tones


New member
Jul 29, 2009
I am having trouble with my sub (B&W PV1) annoying my neighbour, I have sat it on a granite block but that didnt help and whilst watching Tropic Thunder tonight which was via SKY and not even blu-ray, he had to come round again to ask me to turn it down, fortunately he is fairly understanding so I need to find an acceptable level. Is there anything I can buy that will output at the same level as the explosions in films that I can keep running so that I can then adjust the levels so my neighbour is ok with it.
This may be a stupid reply but does your player have an A-B repeat button?
It lets you repeat a certain part of a film continuosly. You'd be able to have explosions repeated over and over to adjust your volume.

Is this what you meant or have I picked you up wrong?
That's exactly what I mean, I need to keep playing over and over the same explosion and adjust my subs volume to a level that doesnt trouble my neighbour. I will have a look on my DVD player tonight, Thanks.
Here you go:

Vanceg, can these help me set the level of my sub so as not to trouble my neighbour, what I need is a constant output such as you get from an explosion in a film, that I can run and then adjust my sub level so my neighbour is happy, obviously I will need my neighbour to be listening at the same time as I adjust the levels
also to adjust my sub-woofer volume level do I do it on the sub-woofer volume control or do I do it via the speaker level setting in the amp. I have it set currently with the volume on the sub at the 12 o'clock position and on the amp speaker levele I think about -5db.
To answer your questions:

1. You can use amp or sub to adjust volume, I assume your amp used its own calibration to set volume and cross-over so easy of use may be to adjust via sub

2. Test tone - yes these are continuous test tones at displayed frquencies. Try using 20 Hz (lowest) first but set the amp volume very low so as not to over stress the sub. Turn it up once you know what level it has been recorded at

N.B If you can hear the frequency its prob' because you amp cantproduce frequencies down to 20Hz try the next highest frequency

I've watched Tropic Thunder on Sky, didn't find it overly bassy myself so check your cross-over, play the continuous frequencies and play with yout amp & sub settings

Thanks Vance, one last question how do i actually run the tones, can I download to mac and then onto my ipod and play via my ipod that I have connected to my amp
it was in the corner of the room on the adjoining wall, but I have since moved it out about 3ft


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