Sub Wharfedale SW150


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Hello, I am considering the possibility to add this sub and would like to hear about experiences from other users and whether there could be other possibilties that I should consider. At the same time I also working on upgrading the fronts but I have posted a separate topic for that.

Would value very much to hear about any experience with this sub. I already have one concern from my side which is the volume because it is pretty large.

It is probably the best budget subwoofer around, so i would be a good buy especially with your setup. Do you have a 9.cs and a center speaker? Why dont you buy some 9.0's for 50 pounds as surrounds?
steven123:It is probably the best budget subwoofer around, so i would be a good buy especially with your setup. Do you have a 9.cs and a center speaker? Why dont you buy some 9.0's for 50 pounds as surrounds?

Yes, that is what I thought but, I never listened to any myself. I am trying to find a good deal since this model has been replaced by the new 10 series but, I have not been lucky yet. For the surrounds I have the 9SRs and the 9CS for center and I am quite happy with both but may consider change in future.

I am trying to find a good deal since this model has been replaced by the new 10 series but, I have not been lucky yet.

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Thanks for the tip, unfortunately they do not deliver to Spain...

Thanks for the tip, unfortunately they do not deliver to Spain...

I think you need to be telling people this on your posts rendu.

Thanks for the tip, unfortunately they do not deliver to Spain...

I think you need to be telling people this on your posts rendu.

Just added to my signature... letïs see if it works. Thanks.
It are the Wharfedale, not🙂 I have the same problem. I have the Wharfedale 9.3,, and the sw100. Well the sw100 only goes to 40 hz the same as my 9.3's. Here in holland i cant get a sw150 too, but the mordaunt short ms309i is only 200 euro's and it seems like a good buy. What alternatives are there available in spain?
Thanks for the tip, unfortunately they do not deliver to Spain...

Can't you get a friend to buy it for you from here and then send it over to you?

Alternatively, E-Bay?
In my case I can get the SW150 but the shop is 300Km from where I live so I can not demo it first. In addition it will be at the normal price as it came out when it was originally released. No good deals unlike other countries. They do not seem to have the MS309i. Ebay is also sometimes a good option but transport cost are usually quite high when it has to go to a different country, in addition you may have customs. .


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