Sub upgrade


New member
Feb 18, 2010
I have about £400 to burn and can strecth to £50 more... my thoughts r

Monitor Audio RS-W12


Mission 79as(can get it cheaper) and would make the full 5.1 Mission speakers as I have 5 Mission speakers

which one would work well with movies and music mainly Reggae, R&B.

I am currently using a Roth KH2 which is very average
I would consider the BK subwoofer, it has amazing reviews but:

1. you cant try before you buy

2. can take a month to make

Its only user reviews you can find, but I dont know how they would compaire.

I have a rsw12 in a 5m x 5m room and its awsome, but took a good month to work in properly.
Like you and Canada16, I was torn between the BK XXls400 and RSW12 too.

The BK might be fantastic, however I opted for the RSW12 for the same reason that Canada16 did. I have no regrets, it's a great sub and works well with my missions too, which I was surprised at.

My concern regarding the XXLS400 was that the only review I had found and user experiences were from the same forum, so I just didn't feel comfortable buying blind. BUT if those reviews are accurate then the XXLS400 is something pretty special, although the RSW12 is no slouch! A 5 star product at £750, so at £400 - 500 it is excellent value and I've not heard anyone criticise it. It sounds excellent (once run in), and provides more bass than I need for my tastes. It is also smaller than the XXLS400, so has a higher WAF rating. :0) While the XXLS400 is smaller than the Monolith, it is not a compact sub.

If you can get the XXLS400 with a no quibbles money back guarantee then go for it, it could be amazing, but remember that the RSW12 deals are running out as stock is being depleted.

EDIT: Please note that the RSW12 has no high level input.
Yes beside the sofa in the corner.

I did the sub crawl test and it was best by there, it was either there or on the party wall, by the TV but it did not seem that great. and also had to think about the neigbours

Great even bass were it is, and have it on the rubber shoes with a floor tile.
Rubber shoes with floor tile? you have a wood floor or a carpet floor?

Sorry for all the questions...I'm at that tweaking phase
Quite a thick carpet, tried it with and without the tile, and did not notice a real difference, but could not be bothered to move the sub again.... as you know its a heavy piece of wood

Tried both spikes and shoes, and did not notice anything.

I have the dial just below half way, with my amp doing the x-over
Mine is at 11:00 but it all depends on how high you set the amp.

Mine will go -20 to +20 and I have it at about -5, if I turned it down to 10:00 then I suppose I would need to go about -3

I have a RSW12 an ex-demo one on home trial from my dealer, I have noticed that when it is turned on, even in standby, regardless of the volume it is set to, there is a small buzzing coming from the sub.

Like you mine is in the corner behind a chair (which hapens to be the lazy chair in the corner so it's not so good having a faint buzz in the background when all is quiet).

Does your RSW12 do this? or is this sub faulty? I called another dealer who was selling one also and he assures me it should not buzz.
Yes it is a known problem, but its not really a problem.

It is very very faint for me, and its on when I am watching tv so dont notice it.

It was pretty bad when new, but seems to have calmed down.

Its the transducer, I belive thats what MA told me.

Its not harmfull, its just the type of product they used on that subwoofer.
Thanks for the quick reply,

I keep going round in circles with this subwoofer selection, now I have had a taste of 500W there is no going back, but that buzz will bug me and if the wife spots it I will never hear the end of it.

I think I will have to find out if the RXW12 has the same problem and price this and some alternatives like the PV1, ASW610XP up.

Thanks for the quick reply,

I keep going round in circles with this sub woofer selection, now I have had a taste of 500W there is no going back, but that buzz will bug me and if the wife spots it I will never hear the end of it.

I think I will have to find out if the RXW12 has the same problem and price this and some alternatives like the PV1, ASW610XP up.

It might be your cable , do you use a proper sub woofer cable as they are terminated differently because of known issues regarding hum?

Is your cable near any mains cables as this can also cause hum , if so try separating them

I would advise against a PV1 its beautifully engineered , but overpriced and you can get better for the money

Thanks for the info. I have a pretty expensive QED Sub cable, I have 2 and have tried both (it buzzes when this is disconnected also), I have isotek plugs so I have tried this in and out.

I have tried using different sockets and positions around the lounge, and a number of power cords including coper line alpha, the one that came with it and a Chord Co. super screen.

Trying all the above changes the tone of the buzz slightly, but never eliminates it.

Spoke with my dealer and they are going to let me try a Sunfire HRS-8 and a RXW12 they have for home demo also, I guess this is why I go to a dealer and not buy of the internet
I tried 2 cables and both had the hum.

Its really only a tiny buzz, but like I said, its beside my sofa and cant hear it as my tv is on.

I agree with the PV1 I would not buy, as you could get 2 wicked subwoofers than would destroy the PV1.

2 rsw12's would kill the PV1 from what I heard.

I suppose your are right about the PV1, I'm just a sucker for pretty things.

Any thoughts on the Sunfire or other alternatives would be appreciated my room is 3.64m W x 6.2m long


Thanks for the info. I have a pretty expensive QED Sub cable, I have 2 and have tried both (it buzzes when this is disconnected also), I have isotek plugs so I have tried this in and out.

I have tried using different sockets and positions around the lounge, and a number of power cords including coper line alpha, the one that came with it and a Chord Co. super screen.

Trying all the above changes the tone of the buzz slightly, but never eliminates it.

Spoke with my dealer and they are going to let me try a Sunfire HRS-8 and a RXW12 they have for home demo also, I guess this is why I go to a dealer and not buy of the internet
You are quite right cant beat home demo , you have a good dealer there who will give you 2 subs to try , they deserve the custom
Yeah my mind was set on MA Rsw12....

I will get a demo on the Mission 79as at HiSpek on saturday. I am after something that will really hit low frequencies. I am a Reggae fan. The BK sub xxls400 seems a lot bigger and the "boss" says she doesn't want it in the front room.

I am sure if you can find a RSW12 that does not buzz, you will be more than happy with it, as bang for bucks it is excellent.
Like I said in prev posts, MA have conf the problem and its to do with the trasnducer they used on that model.

Nothing will stop it, I tried, but then again I cant hear it anymore.

It used to be loud when new but as months went on, you can only hear it if you stick your ear up to the subwoofer and you hear a faint buzz.
My experiences are the same. It reduced over time...or the sub damaged my hearing to an extent that I can no longer hear it
Either way, problem solved

Assuming we are talking about the same thing, It is not cable related as the volume of the hum doesn't change when connecting and disconnecting the cable.

another sub you ought to consider is the MK SB8, its a little more than you mention in your budget but a belting sub for the money



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