Sorry this is technically nothing to do with computer-based music, but I couldn't see a forum for computer-based films…
Is there a (legal!!) online service which streams recent DVD/BD releases for £not very much? I see iTunes does it, but their catalogue of recent releases is not exactly huge and £3.49 a pop isn't imo particularly cheap.
I would also prefer if the service took PayPal: I'm incredibly backward at disclosing my bank/credit card details online these days after someone hacked my iTunes account in January and bought nearly £1,000 worth of vouchers. Good old iTunes never ever batted an eyelid, even though this was somewhat at odds with my usual purchasing-profile of maybe one or two 99p tracks a month. Luckily it rang alarm bells with my bank.
Is there a (legal!!) online service which streams recent DVD/BD releases for £not very much? I see iTunes does it, but their catalogue of recent releases is not exactly huge and £3.49 a pop isn't imo particularly cheap.
I would also prefer if the service took PayPal: I'm incredibly backward at disclosing my bank/credit card details online these days after someone hacked my iTunes account in January and bought nearly £1,000 worth of vouchers. Good old iTunes never ever batted an eyelid, even though this was somewhat at odds with my usual purchasing-profile of maybe one or two 99p tracks a month. Luckily it rang alarm bells with my bank.