- Jan 27, 2008
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Most use this if they go down the speaker switch route....but it's not remotely controlled....
Pistol Pete1 said:It doesn't work as we hoped!!!! Cheapest machine with the 'AV' feature is the Marantz PM7004......which is why I was asking questions about it originally. Either than or do it the old fashioned way and set the amps volume to a memorable one and re calibrate the av receiver connecting it via 'pre outs' to an unused input on the stereo amp. But will a harmony remote switch on two amps when the 'Watch tv' button is pressed, and what happens when the wife forgets to turn down the stereo before listening to a cd!!! :silenced:
lesmallett said:Not sure what to suggest as it will be hard to know till you hear it on your system. I can't really afford a int amp with the av input and want the yamaha. as500 but worried I'll have the problems your having. The beresford you mentioned plus extra cable comes to £100 putting me only £100 away from a pm7004.