Starting from scratch


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Aug 10, 2019
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I need some help.

Have recently had to dump my old hifi, and now have nothing apart from a computer and audioengine A2 speakers.

I want to have more volume and better quality though.

Therefore I want to build up a system from scratch that can do the following:

- Play the tracks stored on my mac on itunes

- Stream from online sites (prefer Spotify)

- Ideally wifi, but not essential

- Budget of about £1600 in total, but if it can be done for less than that would be a bonus.

- Good quality sound but doesn't have to be the absolute best

The options i've looked at (and i appreciate these don't all do all of the above)

- Arcam solo neo (doesn't support spotify)

- Mac to Amp (not sure which is the best way to connect)

- Mac to DAC to Amp

- the last 2 options with Apple Airport express aswell

- Mac to amp via Sonos

To be honest I'm a bit lost, and any advice would be appreciated including recommendations for amps, speakers etc. I'm planning on going to a couple of stores this afternoon to have a look at some options

Many thanks


I'd stick to Apple and just buy decent speakers like the ADM9.1s, why would you buy amp & dac separates?

Add Apple TV (if you have a TV) or Airport express (if not) and the speakers are elsewhere in the room and you want wireless, add an iPOD touch/iPHONE if you like a fancy remote, or want to stream also from the iPOD to the speakers. I believe for Spotify you still need to have the MAC on, and use Airfoil. Others know a lot more though.


Thanks all

I decided to buy an amp, airport express and some decent speakers. This means i can plug in a turntable, and buy a cd player in the future if i fancy one (still like the idea of CDs to be honest) Spent about 4 hours last night setting up Airport express,,,but it works now. The only uncertainty in my mind is the best way to connect the AE to the amp. i currently have a lead into the Aux port at the front of the amp, but would rather it was plugged in to one of the ports at the back. So which type of cable, and plugged into which port for ther best sound?


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