The_Lhc said:
markhooper32 said:
Well the fact we are both on a what hifi forum goes to show we CAN tell the difference!!!!
Errr, no it doesn't, I just said that *I* can't tell the difference!
I have yet to be convinced anyone can "really" tell the difference.
I can't, and the 3 or 4 people who were convinced they could couldn't when I got the ABX plugin on Foobar out.
I think it's down to the silly reporting of most media, damning compressed files (possibly from the beginnings,MP2 and early MP3, which could be poor)
MP3 these days is transparent.
OGG too (which Spotify uses).
The only difference will be down to the recording used, or less likely, useage of a poor ripper.
I even used a CD of mp3s ripped to CD when I tried out some BW800Ds and they sounded spectacular. So much for high end systems exposing "supposed" weakness.
By the way, the word "extreme" is valid. The "extreme" setting in Lame is 320 Kbps.
To be honest, I think 320 Kbps is overkill. 220 VBR sounds exactly the same.