Speakers upgrade


New member
Jan 25, 2009
I currently own a pair of Tannoy Mercury F3 floorstanders. I was thinking of upgrading them and I found a couple of interesting options (bargains):

- Audio Note AZ-One

- Monitor Audio Br5

I have read the reviews also here on Whathifi of Monitor Audios, but I can't find anything on Audio Notes. Could you give me your opinion on these models? I listen most jazz and classical music.

Thank you for all the precious help you can give me.
What kind of budget do you have and what music do you listen to? Might help people with their suggestions. I used to own a pair of monitor audio bronze 2's back in 2003. Very good for the money but obviously smaller than what your looking at.
I listen the most to jazz (especially vocal) and classical music. I'm looking for floorstanders with a budget of ca. 400 euros. Thank you!
You may want to try some Epos M5i's, they practically have no bass though but I guess thats fine since you listen to mostly classical and jazz.

These are very detailed sounding for the price (standmounts).
Im not too well up on budget floor standers but i would definitly recomend you buy second hand, especially in todays market. That way you could get a speaker worth ?1000.

If you can stretch the budget a little, you could probably get a used pair of PMC GB1's, especially on ebay.

If you dont mind the idea of buying even older speakers, you could try and find some old KEF referance speakers like the 104's. Ive heard these before and they are amazing. Way better than anything modern for that kind of money.
Thank you for the suggestions!

I agree that on second hand I could afford speakers of another league. Unfortunately E-bay is not an option for me, cause I don't live in UK and the shipment costs of speakers would be awesome. For these reasons in my OP I mentioned those two options, given that they are on sale here. I was especially interested in Audio Note, because is a very appreciated brand in hifi and AZ-One are on sale at a very interesting price in a local shop. No one heard of them?
I live in Dublin, Ireland myself and recently shipped a 23kg Rel sub for £50 and im in the process of buying ATC SCM19's from scotland which weigh 32kg a pair and its going to cost about £80 to ship them. So might not be as expensive as you think.
I listen to classical and jazz only as well.

I can wholeheartedly recommend the Wharfedale 10.1 if it doesn't have to be floorstanders. In fact, the Wharfedale's sound much better than any budget floorstanders I've heard at the price. For vocals, especially, it's magic, and able to reach deep without becoming boomy.

However, looking at your setup, the amplifier would be the first thing to replace if I were in your shoes. It just seems to be the weakest link in the chain from what I see.
its a long time since ive heard audionote speakers but have remember them as musical and balanced with good bass

stereophile has an article about other speakers in their range but gives the background to the company theyre quite a specialist manufacturer in many ways

if you like how they sound then get them dont be put off by lack of reviews audionote have always made quality if not mainstream products
Thank you agai! This morning I'll go to audition Audio Note speakers. Yesterday I've already auditioned Monitor Audio. I'll also try to see if I can arrange the shipment of some of those very interesting sales on the bay.
interested to hear what you thought of the audionotes ive always intended to build a pair

by the way i wouldnt buy speakers without auditioning first as you are doing
Well, I auditioned the Audio Note AZ One and I really wasn't very impressed. Precise clean sound, but a bit too much laid off and uninspiring.....at least in my opinion. Then the owner of the shop proposed me a second hand Linn Nexus One Ls 250 bookshelves with integrated standamounts. I tried them and the sound was very lively, engaging, almost unblievalbe they are from Linn for the character they have. I am tempted, cause the price is really very cheap, although they are quite old ones. Anyone ever heard them?
Are these the ones? http://linfo.linn.co.uk/binaries/8BE5196C-8960-11D4-8E0E009027D395C0/nexus_user_manl.PDF

Wouldn't have a problem buying old speakers once they are in good condition, but if the drive units are original, they may need replacing at some stage. Mainly the bass drivers as they can degrade or sag.

If it was me, the 75w power handling would put me off as i like to listen loud sometimes and my amp already cooked some 150w drive units.

But unless you listen loud a lot with a high powered amp, it shouldn't be a problem for you.

Dont rush into a purchase though as you will have plenty of choice in the second hand market
Yes Matt, exactly that model. They look in very good condition. Anyway I want to think well on it, and evalu all the possible options. I was just curious if anyone had ever listened to this model.
Going on with my research. I auditioned today a pair of Tannoy Sensys 1 and quite liked them, very open and detailed sound, good soundstage, just maybe a bit lacking in the low frequency. They are on 30% discount and therefore I could afford also stands.....what do you think of this option? (No review on WHF of this model). Thank you!
Well, finally I ended my quest for new speakers
I purchased a pair of Acoustic Energy Radiance 1 with standers: they sound impressive and perfect for my taste, and also obtained an absolute bargain. Thanks everyone for the precious advice.


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