Speakers to partner Cyrus Transport and amp

Sandy Taylor

Well-known member
Oct 30, 2013
🙂 Hi Folks

This is my first posting on this forum so please bare with me.

I replaced my old CD player and amp with the Cyrus CDXT SE2 transport and the 8DAC.

I am greatly impressed with these two components but feel that my old speakers TDL RTL3s are letting the system down. That said they have been great value for money over the past 16 years. In my previous budget system they punched above their weight and I loved their bass extension and up front sound.

I have now moved my gear on to the 2nd floor in my attic room. Since moving the speakers up there I have noticed a fair bit of resonance at low frequencies. I have a wooden floor and no carpets, but have put carpet and underlay under the speakers and 2 no two pence pieces under each spike.

The attic room is approx 18 ft x 13ft.

The speakers are on the shorter side of the room facing down the length. They are placed approx 9 ft apart and very slightly toed in. The sofa which I listen from is approx 9 ft away from the speakers( half way down the room).

Any suggestions for new floorstanders to auction would be great and also any advice about the resonance issue.

Many thanks

Sandy Taylor

You need to alter the speaker positioning/seating position to start to deal with the reasonance. Speakers firing down the short length of the room and sitting in the middle of the room are generally bad things.

If the reasonance can be felt through the floor a lot then think about buying a couple of granite chopping boards to go under the speakers. Also, bass traps behind the speakers can make a lot of difference.
PMC and Vienna Acoustics are usually recommended for Cyrus. The latter for good reason (see sig)!
Hi Folks

Many thanks for the replies.Most interesting to note those with Cyrus gear tend to favour the Vienna acoustics.

The Bethoven Baby Grand at approx £3300 are about a £1000 more than I was thinking of paying.

Was considering Neat Elite SX or PMC Twenty 23s.

Would I be better off spending £2300 on a pair of second hand or ex demo Vienna Acoustics rather than spending the same amount on a new pair of Neats or PMCs?

Once again thanks for your help.

sandy Taylor
The new Spendor A3 might be an option, as they are pretty small and will help with the resonance. A5 could be a great option. Or the SA1's on their stands. If you like Spendors of course!

All suggested so far are great, you really need to hear them, preferably driven by the Cyrus 8 amp, at a dealer's to get a rough idea of your own preference, then if possible once you've narrowed down your choice, in your own room - then you will really know. Unless that is very difficult to accomplish, there is really every reason to do it.

And, just for the future...I have had the XTSE2 at home and you will really benefit from a better dac than that in the amp...honestly, give that an audition too at some point...
The PMCs would have been my second choice and many recommend them with Cyrus.

The Viennas had me at "hello" 🙂
Hi Folks

Many thanks for your posts.

i am intrigued by the Cyrus/vienna acoustics Beethoven Baby Gand combination

However I am strugyling to find dealer that stocks both Cyrus and Vienn Acoustics.

Any suggestions?

Happy to travel. Live in Lincoln.

Sandy Taylor
Fanthorpes in Hull did have a pair of the VA Mozarts not so long ago. Otherwise, its a bit tricky; the importer has decided to stop stocking VA, and as far as I know, VA have yet to find a replacement.

FWIW, I had a listen to them, as I have been trying Cyrus, but not had much joy with speakers. I found them to be muffled, devoid of any life. The one good thing I could say about them was that there was no chance of fatigue. And that was on the end of a pair of Mono X200's. The best I have found so far - in my room and to my ears - are ATC SCM11's. I was expeting it to be way bright and analytical, but it seems just right to me. I'm looking in to a subwoofer to get the full range.


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