Speakers for Marantz NR 1601


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Please, need some advice here! I plan to buy the Marantz NR1601 AV receiver but am confused as to which make/model of 5.1 or 7.1 speakers would be the right ones. It's a 50 W / channel system and would be ideal for my living room.

Any advice would appreciated.

I had the predeccesor, the NR1501 and I can definitely reccommend Monitor Audio. I had the Amp with MA BR5 fonts. The relatively high sensitivity of the MA speakers may have helped but the 50 wpc on the amp was very stable from low to high volumes.

I'd think the Monitor Audio BX range would be lovely with this amp.

Bx2s if you want standmounts, or BX5s for floorstanders at the front.

Marantz make lovely items
I've used the Tannoy dual conenctric speakers with Marantz AV amp to good effect, though to be honest think the Denon amps sound slightly better with them.


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