Speaker upgrade?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi guys, have a question for you experts here

I currently have a Rotel RA1062 + RCD1072 set up paired with B&W 685 speakers

To me, it sounds great and i listen to a whole range of music. When i first brought it back, it sounded different from in the shops, it sounded a bit bland, and boring, and i hated listening to some of the CDs. But as i ran in the speakers and the system got a bit more playing time, i realised it started to sound better and better, and now i really do like it.

Well, the upgrade bug is biting ( i know it is bad with the financial crisis!!) and was thinking of getting some floorstanding speakers

So my question is, 1) what do you guys think is a good set of speakers to even start looking at and 2) and does my RA1062 with 60W have enough power to drive a pair of floorstanders
Heard your Rotels compared with the Unison Research Unico amp through SF Concertos once, and the Rotels certainly weren't disgraced. In fact the salesperson made the comment that she wouldn't pay for the slight improvement in soundstage and dynamics the Unico had over the Rotels.

So your Rotels will work fine with floorstanders. What's you budget? The SFs are pretty special speakers if you can afford them.
The RA-1062 is an excellent amp ,and will easily drive the majority of speakers.I use it with quad 22ls(version 1) floor standers on a second system and they pair very well together and the sound is excellent.Dont be fooled by its 60 watt power rating ,it has plenty of power.It is being superceeded by the RA -1520 which looks rather nice (again a 60 watt and out this month apparently).Anyway the quads and rotel play very nice together.



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