Speaker Upgrade ATC SCM11 or Tannoy Revolution XT6F?


New member
Mar 13, 2008
Hey Guys!I'm thinking of changing my old Monitor Audio RS6 speakers and i'm contemplating whether i should get the ATC SCM11 or Tannoy Revolution XT6F. What are your thoughts? My current setup with the MA RS6 is the Rega Elex-r, Rega RS6 and the Cambridge Audio CXN. Would it be a good enough upgrade? Thanks everyone!
How big is the listening room? Any particular reason you're considering standmounts as well as floorstanders bar price?

Anything you feel you're missing out on sonically?
They're very different speakers, those ATCs and Tannoys. Are you chosing new speakers based on price bracket alone?

I own the SCM11s which I like very much. They're neutral speakers with excellent midrange. I guess you'll find loads of reviews online so I'll stop here. They require some power, so (like with any speaker) do try them with your amp. They won't give you the same sense of scale of the Tannoys and they only go down to 56hz.

Surely people can and will suggest other options.
My system is located in the living room which is about 450 sqft.

No real reason just wanted to get the opinion of those that are fimiliar with both speakers; And maybe get the pros and cons whether i should upgrade or not.
Yup im only choosing based on price bracket alone. I've demoed the Tannoys and they sound great but I havent had the chance to listen to the ATC's since there's no dealer in my country. I can easily order it from abroad though. I always see the ATC's in the "System Builder" portion of the magazine with my equipment so that got me thinking.
Just my personal opinion but if you're looking to buy new I would not swap your Monitor Audios for either of the speakers you mention. The debatable performance increase would not translate at all well in money spent. I think were you to do it blind you'd be contributing to "Your most dissapointing upgrade" thread rather quickly. I'd say the RS6 are on par with Tannoys granted different speakers in many ways. And comparing to standmount ATCs to floorstanders isn't quite fair to either.

If a question would be can you do better for circa the money you're looking to spend, then the answer is a resoudning yes as long as you buy second hand. Buying new I think you'd need to double the budget to have a worthy sound quality improvement.

That's all as long as you're relatively happy with what you currently have. If you're not than changing speakers is usually the right move.
HiFi_Newbie said:
Yup im only choosing based on price bracket alone. I've demoed the Tannoys and they sound great but I havent had the chance to listen to the ATC's since there's no dealer in my country. I can easily order it from abroad though. I always see the ATC's in the "System Builder" portion of the magazine with my equipment so that got me thinking.

That's a dangerous play, buying speakers blind...

People can rave about speakers, but it all boils down to your personal preferences, your living room and your hard-earned cash
insider9 said:
Just my personal opinion but if you're looking to buy new I would not swap your Monitor Audios for either of the speakers you mention. The debatable performance increase would not translate at all well in money spent. I think were you to do it blind you'd be contributing to "Your most dissapointing upgrade" thread rather quickly. I'd say the RS6 are on par with Tannoys granted different speakers in many ways. And comparing to standmount ATCs to floorstanders isn't quite fair to either.

If a question would be can you do better for circa the money you're looking to spend, then the answer is a resoudning yes as long as you buy second hand. Buying new I think you'd need to double the budget to have a worthy sound quality improvement.

That's all as long as you're relatively happy with what you currently have. If you're not than changing speakers is usually the right move.

I went from kef r700s to atcscm11s and the atcs blew the kefs
I wouldnt worry.
imo all monitor audio is bad
Andrewjvt said:
insider9 said:
Just my personal opinion but if you're looking to buy new I would not swap your Monitor Audios for either of the speakers you mention. The debatable performance increase would not translate at all well in money spent. I think were you to do it blind you'd be contributing to "Your most dissapointing upgrade" thread rather quickly. I'd say the RS6 are on par with Tannoys granted different speakers in many ways. And comparing to standmount ATCs to floorstanders isn't quite fair to either.

If a question would be can you do better for circa the money you're looking to spend, then the answer is a resoudning yes as long as you buy second hand. Buying new I think you'd need to double the budget to have a worthy sound quality improvement.

That's all as long as you're relatively happy with what you currently have. If you're not than changing speakers is usually the right move.

I went from kef r700s to atcscm11s and the atcs blew the kefs
I wouldnt worry.
imo all monitor audio is bad
Glad it worked for you. I've had EB Acoustics EB2 that were called ATC SCM11 slayers at a time. I couldn't live with them.

It's really personal and really hard to say what OP will enjoy.
The ATC are amazing.the tannoy are just ok.the atc's will have you listen music allday.one of the best Speaker's IV ever heard.the only downside is they need a bit of power to get them going
seemorebtts said:
The ATC are amazing.the tannoy are just ok.the atc's will have you listen music allday.one of the best Speaker's IV ever heard.the only downside is they need a bit of power to get them going
Hey seemore, how did the ATC compare to your emits? I'm guessing better clarity,less bass?
Al ears said:
Good speakers that the ATC s are I feel they would be a bit lost in a 450 square foot room.

I agree. I think any standmount that size would be a bit lost, unless the room is completely crammed...

The OP currently has floorstanders, no ATC dealer in his country, big room. Seems risky to me, to be honest.
radiorog said:
seemorebtts said:
The ATC are amazing.the tannoy are just ok.the atc's will have you listen music allday.one of the best Speaker's IV ever heard.the only downside is they need a bit of power to get them going
Hey seemore, how did the ATC compare to your emits? I'm guessing better clarity,less bass?
yea basically.i only got the emits coz I couldn't afford the ATC.i also had the EB acoustics eb2s which are better than the emits but need pairing with something a bit warmer than what I have.im saving for the ATC and I'm getting me some of them.god I love ATC. Amazing detail


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