Speaker upgrade - £200


New member
Nov 14, 2013
I'm looking to upgrade my Roth Oli1's and looking for a fairly significant upgrade the Roths have always lacked punch so I want something bigger I'm thinking along the lines of the Wharfdale Diamond 121's but is £200 enough for a significant ugrade? I might be willing to spend more if not.

My amp is a Cambridge Audio A5, I listen to Rock only, also i'm really looking to be buying brand new from Richersounds.

Thanks in advance.
Pioneer's S-71B speaker is excellent VFM - currently on sale for £200 in Ask in London, they'll ship for £230 postage included. Other online prices range from £450-599. Delighted with them, but they need some room to breathe. Very capable of a big sound and good bass that doesn't dominate. If you dislike a bright sound, they're well worth a listen as the bright, zingy treble that sometimes afflicts some speakers is absent here. I'm very impressed by what they can do and they deserve better coverage than they've had.
Hello, i have recently bought a pair of Dali Zensor 1's, seriously good speakers, richer sounds are doing a deal on them at the moment, about £180.00.
I think the Wharfedale 121s are a great buy. Also have a listen to Q Acoustics 2020is. I think both are considerably more capable than the Roths.
Not only are 121s a great buy, but they have seen a significant price drop of late 8) The Dali Zensor 1s are also really talented speakers and fit within your budget nicely! Both are well worth an audition
the record spot said:
Pioneer's S-71B speaker is excellent VFM - currently on sale for £200 in Ask in London, they'll ship for £230 postage included. Other online prices range from £450-599. Delighted with them, but they need some room to breathe. Very capable of a big sound and good bass that doesn't dominate. If you dislike a bright sound, they're well worth a listen as the bright, zingy treble that sometimes afflicts some speakers is absent here. I'm very impressed by what they can do and they deserve better coverage than they've had.

Hi Record Spot,

Did you ditch the Tannoy's for the Pioneer's?
Nope, still got the Tannoys mate. No plans to ditch those in a hurry!
Haha! I just spotted that they weren't in your sig, worried you may have gotten rid of them! Good to hear! Looking forward to saving for some Tannoy's of my own soon!
It's a good time to get some. Prices are excellent for the DC4 just now. £270 new in Richer Sounds I think. Great speaker - tough to beat in smaller rooms and huge stereo image.


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