speaker system


New member
Aug 10, 2019
i am going to replace an ageing system and i am looking a bit of help,my budget is £300/£400.I have a yamaha 667 amp, an LG50pk350,my room is 4metres by 4metres,would the Boston 5.1 system do the job or is there better?If so what? I watch bluerays and do a bit of ps3 gaming.
I agree, if you could stretch the vector 5.1 set would be better at around £475.
I got the Tannoy Mercury F1 Custom package from Superfi for £369 and they are fantastic. Bigger than the Boston Accoustics but What HiFi 2007 Award winners up to £1500 category. Very, very pleased with them. My living room is 4m x 4.5m if that helps.
vote for the tannoy package.great speakers for stereo ,great for a 5.1.unbeatable price pack.nice sub.


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