Speaker help please


New member
Jan 26, 2010
Hi all I was looking for a bit of advice I purchased my mother a denon DM39 for Christmas and I want to get her some speakers I am torn between tannoy V1 or Q acoustics 2020 which seem to win what hifi award but then so did the Tannoy the q are double the price but how much better will they be ?

Thanks for you advice
IMO, go for the Q Acoustics 2020i if you afford it. I know the Tannoy V1 speakers also and the 2020i are in a different league.
Out of the two I would also go for the 2020i. The Tannoys are very good but quite fussy about amplification and can sound a bit clinical in the wrong set-up. The Qs are great, work well with most electronics and have a really enjoyable, involving sound.
Hi Matthew, congratulations on your new all-in-one.

please let us know what your experince is with your 610. Especially in comparison with your other owned aplifiers PMA 720 or the Pio A30.

cheers. dalwen
Ian986 said:
Agggh sold out :-(
Mail order then. £169 free overnight delivery from a reputable hifi shop although the new year will get in the way of them. Still get them before the weekend i would imagine.


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