Choosing speaker cable is not just a case of 'what does so and so sound like?'.
Cables tend to accentuate or attentuate certain parts of the audible spectrum, which therefore could be mistaken for its actual sound.
For example, if you had a smooth but slightly dull sounding amp/cd/speaker set up, a cable which also sounds smooth and perhaps lacking in treble emphasis may not give you a lift in perfomance you are looking for. Yet the same cable could improve someone's system which sounds a bit aggressive in the treble, thereby giving a perceived improved sound.
One way of looking at speaker cables is as system tuning. Perhaps if you decide what it is about your system you want to improve (treble sparkle, detail, bass, vocals etc) and then look at reviews for cables which are noted for those characteristics.
Ideally you need to borrow from a dealer and audtion them in situ.
Russ Andrews do offer a trial period.
Personally I have and have had cables from QED, Van Den Hul, Chord, Kimber and Nordost. I currently use Kimber 8TC/4TC speaker cables, Kimber Select and Nordost Heimdall interconnects.