Speaker cable for Naim / RS6


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2008
Evenin' all.

My kit is below, but I'm currently connecting the speakers with QED 79 Strand. Now I know that NACA5 would be the obvious solution, but unfortunately it's about £9 a metre more than I'm allowed to spend at the mo, as I need 10m total (I've gone a bit mad this year).

Therefore, I can see 4 potential options:

VanDamme Blue 6mm @ £4.50ish a metre
VanDamme Black 4mm biwire @ £4.20 a metre
QED XTSA @ £5ish a metre
Chord Crim SS @ £5 a metre (seen online for this price)

The 79S I have can be a little muddy, but I don't want to lose the great bass I have with the 79S.

I'm thinking the Chord probably has it, but any views/opinions on this or anything else up to £6/m?

Cheers in advance...
from a vereker email

"Incidentally the linn (K20?) cable was an illegal copy by BICC of our NACA4, BICC thought that it was their design and therefore started supplying both grey and black copies to other manufacturers including Linn - due to a change of staff/factory I believe.

When this was pointed out to BICC, they settled out of court.

We then spent the money on designing a new and better cable with another supplier under a secrecy agreement, and this is the NACA5."
At least you know with the NAC-A4 Linn K20 cable that it will meet all the electrical requirements Naim suggest for loudspeaker cable on their older gear. (I am guessing your pre/power is around 1996 - 2002 vintage).
What's the point of having such nice kit and compromising on the cable?

I recently found some suitable lengths of NAC A5 on eB@y and it's a solid improvement over the £10 pm QED stuff I was originally using...
I know what you mean, but spending £165 on cable at this present moment just isn't possible. I can go to about £60...

That's not to say that it won't be a possibility in the future, obv. Would you suggest sticking with my 79-strand until I can afford the naca5 then?
Yes. Wait until suitable lengths of NAC-A5 (preferably terminated) comes up on ebay.

Luckily the lengths you want (5m per side?) are just about optimal for SQ. Even though 3.5m is a minimum, 5m is better.
Just save up for the NAC A5 it will be worth it in the end.


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