Sound quality in wired headphones depending on radio set quality


Oct 13, 2021
Just wondering if you can hear the difference in terms of sound quality when listening to different radio sets with headphones through the jack output.

Does the electronic inside a good device such as a Tivoli Model One deliver a higher quality signal to the 3.5mm jack than a pocket radio?

Good question.
But I reckon the lack of response to it so far, suggests it's one that not many people give any thought to.
Indeed, if you read through the WHF review of the (2nd generation) Tivoli, there's no mention of headphones whatsoever.
Amazing really, because, it's only got a single speaker - for 300 quid, maybe it can play out stereo via a h/p socket?....but you wouldn't know from that review.

Anyway, in answer to your question, I would say that provided your headphones are decent enough, then you should hear differences.
Try to check the specifications of any radios you're interested in (if you can) because some pocket radios may not have enough drive for high impedance headphones.....and you need to make sure the radio is at least stereo!

Unless portability is essential, web radio via a DAC / amp, or just an analogue tuner into a dedicated headphone amp.....would give you better quality - if your headphones are up to it.
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Just wondering if you can hear the difference in terms of sound quality when listening to different radio sets with headphones through the jack output.

Does the electronic inside a good device such as a Tivoli Model One deliver a higher quality signal to the 3.5mm jack than a pocket radio?

I have a Pure Classic One which is a mono set as it only has one speaker. When listening on headphones it is stereo which is a bonus.
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I missed this one completely but having used many different radio sets, when working abroad in the past, it is clearly apparent that the quality of sound coming out of the headphone socket is related to the quality of the internals and the aerial itself.
What I mean is if you don't have excellent quality of reception you're not going to get brilliant sound either from the speaker for headphone socket.
Also, in a more expensive device, more money will have been spent on the headphone amplifier section, or so one would hope.....


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