sound quailty


New member
Feb 19, 2009
i listen my music through the denon1909 and i love it but a friend came round and that it sounded to warm and relaxed, he said the M/A br5's are great but safe and he said without being 100% sure that the denon1909 would be on safe side. He then said i should put my br1's at the front use my old tdls same size as br1's as rears and buy a stereo amp.I have a C/A 640h which has been said that is on the bright side.I have been told to upgrade my £2 per metre cable to some qed silver stuff as it will help against my warm sound.

The main problem is i will only have about £150 pound to spend in about 5 weeks,what is better for sound a graded C/A 640 stereo amp or a second one off ebay. You can pick up a arcam alpha 8R or 9 for around 150-200 they are about 8 years old are they any good still.
If you love the sound why are you worried about what your mate thinks?

Oh,and you can't add a stereo amp to the 1909 as it doesn't have front left and right pre-out's,if that was your plan!

If you love the sound why are you worried about what your mate thinks?

What he said.
no i was going for a hifi set-up and a av set up hense why my old tdls would come out the loft.

if someone tells you you can alot better sound for £150-£200 pound your going to be thinking
An Arcam Alpha amp will also have a warm sound, albeit it will produce better stereo results than your Denon 1909 amp. More recent Arcam products seem to have veered away from their traditional warm sound, hence my AVR600.

It all comes down to personal taste, personally I prefer a more forward sound (Cyrus, Pioneer) which with some recordings can sound harsh, but with a good recording gives you excitement that you won't get from Denon or Arcam Alpha. That's not to say they're bad, An Arcam Alpha would probably do a better job with a bad recording than a Cyrus amp of the same era.

You'll definately notice a difference if you change your speaker cable to QED Silver Anniversary, on some systems it can sound too bright, but with a Denon or an Arcam Alpha amp, I'd say it would be a good partnership. Also, if you use an interconnect like the DNM Reson to connect from your CA 640H to the amp, it'll allow more detail through. The bullet plug version is best, but a bit expensive, there is a cheaper version available without the bullet plugs.

I used to have a pair of MA BR5's and certainly wouldn't describe them as safe or warm, Monitor Audio speakers have a reputation for being at the other end of the sonic spectrum, probably moreso than TDL.
no i was going for a hifi set-up and a av set up hense why my old tdls would come out the loft.

if someone tells you you can alot better sound for £150-£200 pound your going to be thinking

Tip of the day: spend less than £50, get the amp I'm currently using (the Sansui AU-217) and be very impressed. They come up frequently on Ebay, great build, fabulous sound for the outlay (very open, detailed and substantial presentation) and a bit underrated. Yes, it's a late 1970s amp, but if you can past that and come with an open mind...
like the sound of £50 thats got to be worth a try how much were they in the 70's and are they black /silver/wood????
Here you go:-


New, I think circa £200-£300 in today's money, but I reckon the sound is easily on a par with my former Marantz 6010-KI. Very impressive performer IMO.