Sound coming out of only one speaker


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi all

I own a Cambridge Audio A500 amplifier connected to Mission 702e speakers. I only have sound coming out of one speaker at the moment, I've switched speakers so I know they're not at fault. Also when I was connecting the speaker to the faulty side, it started crackling when I was connecting the red wires although I had the volume turned fully down. Anyone ever come across this before? I've had it nearly ten years, is it time to bin it?

I'd appreciate any advice.

Thanks for the quick reply.

Just opened it up and everything looks to be connected. Looks like I'm breaking open the piggy bank.
Before you throw it out ,check your interconnects.I had the same problem a few years ago and it turned out to be a broken interconnect at the plug but couldn't be seen.Either switch them round or try another pair to confirm they are okay.
caddyhound:Before you throw it out ,check your interconnects.I had the same problem a few years ago and it turned out to be a broken interconnect at the plug but couldn't be seen.Either switch them round or try another pair to confirm they are okay.

Yep, Ive had that too, faulty interconnect.

Also could it be that you've shorted out one channel and blown the fuse?
Thanks again for all the replies.. Checked everything suggested and I still have the same problem, I was advised that it wouldn't be worth fixing, which is a pity but it's probably time I upgraded anyway.



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