Sound advice


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Aug 10, 2019
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I currnetly own a Denon S301 system but as i listen to far more music than movies I have been looking at changing to a music system and have been offered a second hand Audiolab 8000a with Marantz CD63 SE and a pair of Monitor audio BR2 speakers. Would this sound any better with music than my current set up.


Hi Steve I can't answer all of your queries first hand i am afraid but what I can do is relay that a friend of mine has the audiolab 8000 and he being someone who is much deeper into hi fi than me has said it is a fantastic amp. Meanwhile while I don't even know anyone who has that particular cd player, I can tell you that the BR2 speakers are fantastic as I have both heard them in the shops and now own a pair. They provide a terrific soundstge, dynanamism, zest and punch to the music, just terrific speakers!. I am sure one of the experts can respond on the marantz for you :)


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Sep 6, 2007
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Yes; hell of a lot better!

There's another post recently about a mini-system vs hifi separates. As i said in that; the separates will always be better than a mini system.

The Audiolab amp is a cracker and the Marantz CDP will sit well with it. The M/A BR2 speakers are superb and suit a wide range of music so i'm sure you'd be fine with them.

What would be handy for you is some decent speaker cable; a good interconnect and good speaker stands.

Not sure on your budget but the Soundstyle Z2 or the Atacam Nexus 5/6 speaker stands would be good (preferably loaded with atabites/dry kiln sand). The Chord Carnival Silverscreen OR QED Silver Anniversary speaker cable would be good as well as the Chord Crimson interconnect.

Hope this helps :)


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