Sony bdp-s760 v. bdp-s360

Fisherking 145

New member
Jan 11, 2010
Currently in the market for a blu-ray player to go with my re-vamped system, which includes a Samsung le40-651b, and will include a Marantz sr6004. What i would like to know is, will the 760 be worth the extra £200 over the 360, bearing in mind how many BD's I could buy with the monetary difference? If the 760 is significantly superior to the 360, I am quite prepared to pay the premium, however, I can't help but think my set up won't show up the best of the more expensive player.

Any guidance given to help me make my decision would be very much appreciated, thank you.
The 760 has wifi and an option to get surround sound effects through headphones and also some pic adjustments etc. Thats about it. I've just bought the 363 which is a Sony Centre exclusive. Its got a backlit remote which is pretty cool.
The 760 has the backlit remote as well (I've got one). If you need (or want) multi-channel outs to your amp, you'll want the 760.

If you don't then there's less to call between the two... Save the money for interconnects and some BDs to spin...
Just seen the 360 in HMV for £120 inc. the film package, is this too good an offer to refuse? Think I'm making my mind up right now (it's only round the corner). If only my new receiver had arrived.........
If you don't want the films on offer, you can find it under £100 without (well, you could a few weeks ago!)...
With 'trickle-down' picture processing ability from the BDP-S5000ES, expect the 760 to offer a superior performance, picture wise primarily, to the 360.
That's that sorted then. Found a couple of £5 love2shop vouchers lying around, left at 5.13 with £110 returned at 5.25 with a brand spanking Sony bdp-s360 and 1p piece.

Thanks for your help and opinions people, greatly appreciated. In the end, £200 buys quite a few movies, and that was the deciding factor.

Feeling quite good this week, the nice one at the local dealer has loaned me a receiver till my Marantz sr6004 arrives (non in the country, not even for ready money. Allegedly.), and not taken any money from me either.
Why? You've already got one!

Only joking. I prefer the Marantz sound with stereo music to be honest, and now I've got this sr5001 set up with my age old Mission speakers from the 90's,new cables and my trusty xe900e CD player, I can't wait for the sr6004 to show up. Watched a bit of Quantum Solace on DVD this afty on my 870 recorder, the explosions were awesome, knocks the pants off my old Yammy.


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