Sony 40WE5 number 2!


New member
Feb 14, 2008
First one had clouding, top left corner. Otherwise perfect.

Set number 2 arriving Thursday......fingers crossed as they dont make it anymore!
lets hope its cloud free , if it isnt , then it would be remarkable , that most of whfis review sonys had clouding , your two had clouding , but knowbody from sony has ever seen clouding ?? what are the odds of that ??

please dont pick this up sony guys , im only having the crack
if its tip top you could buy a sony bdp s760 with the money you save instead of buying the philips , nice ..
Set number 2 is the same as set number 1!

I am now questioning if I know what clouding looks like, and, if Sony really can be producing so many dodgy sets!


The intro to Outrageous Fortune has boxes of containing colour and text, popping up in different places on the screen (hopefully you have seen it), where there is no box the picture should be black right? On both my Sony's, you have white light in all the cornesrs of the screen, giving the picture a distorted look, and also is of course not black.

This is clouding / bleed right? A TV costing £1,000 should be black? or if the blacks are not so black, should at least be uniform accross the screen?

At a loss as what to do now. Sony have orders for 300 white E5's but production is going to be early next year so I am told.

hi nick , i currently have a loan of a philips 37inch 5604 lcd , when the screen isnt showing an image , its dark , but i wouldnt call it black , more of a very dark grey , but its not distracting in any way because its uniform , ie there isnt one area that looks brighter than another , thats how your sony should be , my friends sony has patches of slightly brighter blue areas on his sony ,in the top right corner and a patch about 3 inches over from the top left , they are noticeable , even slightly in the daytime , but he doesnt even notice it , unless i point it out , what would you call that ?? light seepage , clouding , backlight bleed ? i guess its all of them , on your tv it sounds like backlight bleed for sure ...
certainly not uniform at all. and the light is white, its bad enough to make the picture look warped. Spoils scenes like the begining of Rock n Rolla, when the narrater describes what a rock and roller is, as the pictture zooms in on the mans back, the rest of the screen should be black, but is has pathces of light shinig through, ruining the scene.

I cant even change for another WE5 in White as there ar none! Sony they they are expecting them back next year and can send round an engineer!

Does anyone have a SOny, watch movies in a very dark room, and not see any bleed?

We have a new 52W5500 that Ihave been singing the praises of since it arrived, and in my view the picture is getting better and better from "running in" and some suitable tweaks, Sky HD transmissions are fabulous, especially EuroSport and Rush HD, with the BBC HD about third.

I have not noticed any backlight issues to date, so much so that each night for the last four nights I have turned all lights off in the lounge and switched off the Sky box, so now there should just be power to the screen in a natural state, then to satisfy curiosity I check over the screen from my viewing position head on, standing up and from the sides and whilst I can discern the slightest imperfection of consistency across the screen (seems reasonable with LCD, CCFL lighting) I cannot see "clouding" or "bleeding" light.

I also have a 40X2000 which does suffer from clouding in the bottom left area of the screen, but nothing on the 52W5500

Don't know whether this helps or not??

Yes it helps to know there not all bad.Maybe its the 40' size they have had the most trouble with.

Just ordered a third set (will return the other of course), now thats determination for you!!!
Had 46z5500 day no problems but the second day clouding, blotching. especially on a black and white movie i was watching (a recent movie not one from 1910 !)

Changed it to 46w5500 which ive had for 5 days now with no problems what so ever plus a 40w4000 for 10 months with no problem.

It really is a lucky dip buying a sony but if you find a good one ...keep it the picture is superb

for me i thought the z series had an artifical look to it too, maybe its just me but im quite happy with the w series having two that work correctly.

One more thing i also have an 'el cheapo ' Soniq brand plasma which has no screen problems at all except chocolate sause looked like a green tinged mud but on the w4000 it looked just like chocolate sause.
Maxflin: Not yet, if the 3rd Sony has the same clouding, I will be forced to either live with it (it suits the room so well, even I agree with the Mrs on that one) or go for the 9664 or paint a set white as suggested!

The picture on the Sony is so good, surely third time I must bag a good one!
Maxflin: Not yet, if the 3rd Sony has the same clouding, I will be forced to either live with it (it suits the room so well, even I agree with the Mrs on that one) or go for the 9664 or paint a set white as suggested!

The picture on the Sony is so good, surely third time I must bag a good one!
Forgive me if I'm stating the obvious, but have you made tried 'calibrating' the set?

Sony recommended trying these settings for the W4500 if the backlighting was a problem:

1) Setup Menu - select - Light Sensor: ON
2) Setup Menu - select - Power Saving: Low or High
3) Picture Menu -- Reduce the Backlight Level eg 'Standard' or 'Cinema
mode' (Factory Setting = 'MAX')


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