Sony 32V5500 Making Clicking Sounds


New member
Jun 20, 2008
Hi! I purchased a Sony 32V5500 last weekend and there's something which is concerning me.

When I turn the TV off in to standby mode there is a "click" (which is fine), but then this can be followed a moment later by a couple of more clicking sounds (usually, but not always). I have even heard a single "click" when it has been idle for some time.

I have googled for this and other people have reported similar occurrences on a different number of Sony models, but no one seems to have a definitive answer as to what causes this or, indeed, if it is an actual fault.. Apart from that I'm more than happy with the TV, so should I be concerned or not?

Thanks guys.
My Samung makes alot of click noises, i always though it was the set expanding with the heat.
My Dad's old sony does that too.

As Mr Blaze mentions it is usually down to the set expanding and contracting with heat (usually randomly spaced clicking noises)

If you are behind the TV and hear a clicking noise I believe this is just the sound of current going throught the TV transformer. (But I could be wrong)
Agree. I assume these clicks come from the set itself, not through the speakers?

If so, then it is simply due to the entire set warming up/cooling down- more noticable in winter as the difference in temperature is more pronounced.

I believe you have nothing to worry about, sir!
I have the same thing on my 6 month old Panasonic plasma and the Sevenoaks display version of my set also did the same thing. I complained about it, but it seems all their sets did it. Iïm not sure about the Sony. Mine always makes a click within the first 2 minutes of being set to standby, but then the tv can be silent for several hours and then do it randomly.

My tv does this regardless of whether or not it has been switched on recently. It annoys me a little so I just tend to switch the set off (i.e. I donït leave it on standby), which stops the sounds altogether.
Thanks guys; that's what I hoped! That was the general impression I got elsewhere but nothing actually confirmed. Did notice that some Panny's have a smilar problem too.
Hmmm. Just had a reply from Sony C/S who say they can't make a diagnosis by email and advised me to take it to one of their authorised service centres (which means they've either never heard of the problem or, if they have, someone hasn't added it to their fault finder when they tap it in to their PC.

The clicking doesn't bother me, just want to know it's not faulty and needs replacing. Hope Mr Matthew reads this.
once seen a 32 inch sony dont recall if was the V5500 or W5500 on a store, that was turned on but didnt display any image .just made randon loud clicking sounds coming from the back.very nice indeed.


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