Sonus Faber bargain?

I would not call them ugly but I also much prefer the looks of cremonas - they are my fovorites of all speakers in terms of looks.

by the way there is a mint pair of cremonas for gbp 3900 BIN price on ebay at the mo.
Those look like the Stradivari Homage - their top speaker that retails for c£30k

VERY nice - be interested to see what that price goes up to !!

Don't see how anyone can say they are ugly though - not if you have ever seen them in the flesh ....

Need a LARGE room to get the best from them though.

Perfectly happy with my Amati's though!
I bet this is a scam, my friend's account has been hijacked to sell highend stuff in a very similar style of auction. Be very careful if anyone thinking of buying them....if it too good to be true!
Hmm - I had not realised that was a 'buy it now' price ......... cannot be real surely ??
I had sent them a message to query the validity - seems the ad is now removed ....
Hmmmm... It now says sold...

Two of the pics indeed match the ones on the referenced forum...

Well, if it was a scam, I apologise for bringing it here.

But the listing for cremona looks genuine.


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