Sonos Zone player alternative


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I was in a shop the other week and I got to sample the Sonos Zone Player with the controller 200, all very nice but a bit over my budget especially the controller which I kinda liked a lot. The thing is though I don't want my laptop to be involved at all, I just want to kick back with my remote and access internet radio and my high res files and ripped CDS, so I am thinking having a NAS drive setup connected to my router, I only have one room but I want to keep things as simple as possible. Need at least 1/2 gig storage.
If you find the controller too expensive, then an android based phone or Apple iPhone, iTouch, iPad will suffice, well! (If you haven't one, then you may want to consider an Android/Apple phone if an upgrade is round the corner) When i bought my Sonos I had every intention of buying the controller but wanted to put the iPad and my Android phone to the test first and I just don't think i'll now bother with the controller. This is especially so, if you will be using it in just one room. I use mine all over the house on all 3 floors with no problems whatsoever and I haven't had the need to install a bridge for my Wi-FI.
I use a Sonos system with my music on a NAS and I do have a Sonos controller, but most of the time I use the Sonos Desktop Controller on my netbook. I prefer the Desktop Controller as it is more flexible and one can see a lot more detail on it.

So all you need to get going with a Sonos system in one room is a NAS connected to a zoneplayer and your router and your laptop can act as your controller.


i was lucky enough to secretly syphon off some of the household funds to kick start my sonos system.
Once you have your first zone player working, you'll get the bug and suddenly music in every room is an obsession.

I agree the cost of the controllers is excessive, so i would support the idea of ipod touch/ smart phone or lap top for controlling the system. In my case, I had none of those, and tracked down a couple of discontinued '100' controllers for less than £90 each. They might not be quite as sexy as the new controllers, but they do the job perfectly.

I would encourage you to set up a NAS and buy your first zone player. It's a doddle to set up and it won't be long before you wonder why you didn't buy it years ago.

good luck

the squeezebox touch will do want you want do. and the radio can add some portability to your system as well.

the touch also allows you to plug in USB sticks or even SD cards. I forgot there is also iPeng controller for the iPhone and iPad which is very nice.


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