Sonos and VortexBox


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Aug 10, 2019
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Anyone have any suggestions, experience or advice they can share? Specifically about using a PC running VortexBox to connected to a Netgear router to stream FLAC to a Sonos Play?



Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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Sonos doesn't require anything to "stream" at it, just share the directory that your music files are in on the PC and point Sonos at it, Sonos will pull the files off the share, it doesn't require any sort of server software to push the music to it.


Files aren't on a PC; they're on a box running VB. I take it that will still work.


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
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Richard_235 said:
Files aren't on a PC; they're on a box running VB. I take it that will still work.

Sorry, you confused me by using the term "PC" on your original email.

I don't know anything about Vortexbox but it's taken me all of 30 seconds to find the following on the Vortexbox website:

"VortexBox file share layout VortexBox Samba shares allow you to access the data in your VortexBox media library from another computer on your network. See How to access VortexBox from Windows and How to access VortexBox from a Mac.

VortexBox has four Samba shares: files, music, movies, pictures

The files share is read-write; the other shares are read-only

vortexboxfiles - read-write: you can copy, move, or delete files here. They will also appear in the read-only folders.

If you get "access denied" errors when trying to make a change, be sure to use the read-write files share, not the read-only music, movies, or pictures shares.

If you have music files to transfer to VortexBox, transfer them to vortexboxfilesmusicflac, not vortexboxmusicflac.

vortexboxmusic - read-only versions of all your music files. Point you music player here if you don't want it to change your music, only play it."

You would point your Sonos at the last share shown above, Sonos only requires read access, it doesn't write anything to your music directory.


wow you're really good at this Internet thing - thanks again


There are a considerable number of SONOS systems attached to vortexbox.

To use current vortexbox systems with SONOS:

Log-in to the web GUI (type 'vortexbox' into a web browser such as Firefox, Safari, Explorer etc)

Go to bottom ICON 'Vortexbox Upgrade'

Third item in 'Package manager' is SONOS WEB - Tick 'Install'

This will add a virtual SONOS folder to the vortexbox filing and in 2-3 minutes a SONOS Player icon will apprear in the GUI.

Music ripped on the Vortexbox will now be available to SONOS, Squeezebox, UPnP network devices and USB DACs + you can play to your SONOS directly from the browser using the SONOS Player if you wish. Existing music can be copy/pasted into the vortexbox filing

VortexboxUK pre-configure these settings for SONOS users purchasing pre-built systems


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