Some advice on upgrade


New member
Dec 14, 2015
Hi All,

I'm looking to make an upgrade to my system.

I currently have a Denon DCD1290, Audiolab 8000A and Kef Reference 2 Speakers.

I find it difficult to explain what I want to do, but basically to create more volume, depth? I had a "loudness" button on my car radio once, and when pressed it would add a whole load of "wooomph" to the sound.

Maybe my amp isn't man enough for the speakers?

I'm not after mega base, just add more meat all round, if that makes sense.

Can anyone suggest an upgrade, budget is up to 1.5k, don't mind second hand.

Hope you can help.


Of the right kind naturally.

If you can find one, a Peachtree Nova 125 should give you a much bigger sound at around £1k.

Plenty of power, valve line stage and a decent onboard dac to pep up your CD player, not the most sophisticated amp for the money but it will give you what you are looking for.

Otherwise the Hegel H80 is the obvious choice at £1.3k
Thank you.

Where's the best place to get the Hegel? I've looked on ebay but most are in Italy or US?

Also, my speakers are bi wired, does that make any difference?


Also, just checking my connections etc and I noticed at some point one of the plugs into the cd output of my amp appears to be broken, so the CD player is actually plugged into the "tape 2" outputs, and then selected accordingly, will that affect the sound?

There are a few Hegel dealers in the uk if you look, assuming you are in the uk of course. Hegel distribution is quite tight, you are less likely to find it online.

Biwireing makes little or no discernable difference, if you have a decent set of bi-wire cables properly terminated etc, just use them but replace the links in your speakers, which might be superior. But the difference, if any will be tiny, don't fret it either way.

Generally all line inputs (CD, Tuner, Tape etc) will be the same, so what you are doing is fine. Bear in mind that both the Peachtree and the Hegel amplifiers have good modern dacs onboard, so you will be connecting your CD player digitally via the coax (or optical) output, no analogue cables required.
Roksan k3 has bass and wide soundstage. Good detail of the smaller nuances, but you will have to audition to see if sound is what you are after. It works well with warm speakers, and from what I have heard,not best with some brighter speakers.
At that price and with your requirements I'd suggest auditioning 3 brands - NAD (C356BEE and C375BEE), Exposure (2010s2), and Creek (Evolution 50A). I think you'll find something to love in at least one of those, and probably in any of them.


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