So you have one chance..... and one chance only.......


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Aug 10, 2019
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This might be a little exagerrated, but we will all be familiar with it..... so......

You are entertainnig guests...... they are coming around for dinner. You have faithfully promised the other half that just for tonight you will not talk endlessly about hi-fi..... in fact it is now such a marriage endangering subject that you promise that you will not even mention it, because tonight is important..... you are instructed that she justs wants it all to be, you know, normal.

So there you are dressed in those horrible chino's that she likes and that you always seem to spill something on, and a a shirt that has been picked out and ironed and forced on you (because wearing that comfy Prodigy long sleeve T from their '99 tour is NOT normal).

Anyway the dinner goes well, you do not mention a damn thing about your stereo..... when she starts going on about it, about how you are infatuated with it and that she feels like a total widow to it. Her story pulls a little laugh followed by a silence, when the opposite male turns to you and starts asking you about it..... this causes your other half to give those 'you promised' eyes.....

But this guy is spouting about how he thinks that all this 'Hi-fi' stuff is nonsence and a scam. He bought a sensibly priced Technics system back in the day, from Currys, and that does him and it sounds great and Technics are supposed to be great and he has never heard anything to beat it....... slowly knocking down your resistance to retaliate.... eventually you can longer say 'yeah....' passively anymore.... screw the wife, she mentioned it first.... it is not as if you bought it up, you were provoked......

So you lay it all down on the line and explain hi-fi as you see it, how it does not have to be seen as pretentious and expensive and that it is (sonically) worth it..... by this time the wife has frozen you, decamped to other side of the room and started drinking gin (which always makes her violent)...... and you tell your new Technics mate that you could show him with one song why hi-fi is so great.... partially this is said to show him that it would only take one song to convert him and partially because with wifey in her current state anything more than one song means divorce..... and he calls your bluff

'Go on then, one song...........'

So you have one chance and one chance only............ what song would you pick to show case your entire system and convert this guy to the cause?

As I said this is a fictional scenario that has never happened to me; but if this is something like a night that you have actually had... might I suggest that you ring Relate on 0300 100 1234.


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Oct 8, 2007
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the wifes actions would have made me so angry i would have politely just said "i'm sorry, but she* told me earlier i wasnt to talk hifi tonight and i shant. it seems she is able to tho. it seems now the subject can only be raised by her as a means of geting a cheap laugh at my expense. what a hypocritical wee harpee, eh?"

sorry, summat appears to have wound me up...

Anyway, the song - D.I.V.O.R.C.E.

*it could of course be a he.


For this sort of thing I try to play up to the other party's interests. I've used Russell Watson a few times to demo my system. Works everytime but they're still not convinced it's worth the money.


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Dec 28, 2007
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Here I Go Again by Whitesnake


Recently, when my system was running full blast all night during a party with horrendous pop music from the likes of Beyonce and whatnots, I stealthily put my lovely copy of Die Zauberflote by Mozart in the cd player and surprised everyone with the Queen of the Night aria.

Much to everyone's dismay I might add, but it was worth it..


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Jan 10, 2008
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Cacharpya by Incantation. Andes panpipes, guitar-thingys and hand drums. So much going on, yet you can hear everything, and the foot stamps on the floorboards kick your stomach.

But my wife knows better than to bait me like that, and TBH, I understand that most people we socialise with are happy with their Aiwa and/or Bose, so I tend to stay schtum and enlightened.

I'm a firm believer in not talking shop when not at work, and the same applies to hobbies. Unless asked, when a single polite overview sentence does the trick - when I want to gas HiFi, I come on here!!!


Prokofievs Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No.1. May not be your first choice in genre (neither mine) though this through a decent set up is guaranteed to knock some socks off. You never know it may even tickle the sensitive strings of both females and bag you a bonus later.


fatboyslimfast:What, with both?

Everyone likes a happy ending.ÿ


"Hey" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers.
Great vocals, guitar and bass. Fantastic sound stage.


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Jun 2, 2008
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(A) Who needs the kind of guests that necessitate a list of proscribed subjects to be issued before their arrival?

(B) Who needs the kind of partner who tells you what you are allowed to talk about AND dresses you?!! (Get control of your wardrobe now man otherwise you will end up being one of those sad gits in M&S standing there whilst the wife chooses all their clothes and publicly humiliates them by holding the garments up against them as if they were just some mute middle aged mannequin or a dim child!)

(C) Especially; who needs a partner who will ridicule your chosen passtimes in front of guests?

In light of the above, I would loudly play "Rollin' on Chrome" by the Aphrodelics (Kruder & Dorfmeister's Wild Motherlover mix from 'Hotel Costes' Volume 1). Then get shot of them and do a Google search for the best divorce lawyer in my town.


I'd be tempted to really embarrass my gf by putting on Um Bop and doing the Ricky Gervais dance around the lounge. I don't care about embarrassing myself, I just blame Mr Bushmills.

the record spot

Think I'd go for Peter Gabriel's "Red Rain" off the "So" album. The SACD or the original UK release preferably mastered by Nimbus. You want a recording that's not been messed around with and the Gabriel reissues are in that mould.

As for vinyl - Bruckner's 7th. I've a Philips recording from the Concertgebouwe Hall and it's just mind-bogglingly good.

As for hard drive and a DAC? Why waste a couple of perfectly good sockets???