Sky Hd aspect problem


New member
Aug 10, 2019
When watching sky 1 hd and eurosport hd through my panny th42px80 it sometimes clips about a fifth of the picture from left and right sides, when the ads come on the whole screen is filled but when the program restarts its back to black lines at the sides. I have my aspect control set to auto and tv is connected via hdmi. Does this happen to anyone else? can it be sorted by any means other than zoom mode 2 on the aspect control? any help greatly appreciated.
This is because these are programmes that would be shown in 4:3 aspect ratio on sky SD. They show them at 14:9 aspect on HD which leaves the black bars at the side. One example of this is the older Stargate SG1 episodes.
yes mine does the same i leave the auto off thats about it..
yes old sg-1. INDEED! (laughs to self in a nerdy style). thanks guys.


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