Singstar mic + laptop + active speakers = decent PA system??

My wedding reception is on Sunday. The venue people initially quoted me £100 for a small public address system (just for some speeches) which I agreed. Only 2 days ago, they've quoted me an additional £190 for delivery & installation! That makes it £290!! [:O]

A small PA system costs less than half that amount to buy!!

Is this combination decent enough to work as a PA system??






Also, is it better to connect the mic via USB,or directly into the 'mic' port?
It will depend on the size of the venue, and you might get away with it, but this is your wedding day, don't skimp and have people go "psssh".

Alternatively, if you can get here tomorrow, you can borrow mine
Or click here. £45 for a small PA including delivery and set up within ten miles of Leeds, 50p a mile on top, so call it another fifteen quid (though I don't know where you're actually getting married, you'll notice). Add a fiver for an SM58, which is all you need.
Thanks for the suggestions John!! I wish I lived close to London, so that I could just drive down to your office!

The reception is in Barnsley, not far from Leeds at all! I've left a message on their voicemail to call me back. They certainly are very cheap!

There will be about 150 guests, but the PA system will be only for speeches. They already have in-ceiling speakers & an audio system at the venue, for the music. But no port for a microphone unfortunately.

Damn!! And I thought I had an excellent excuse for ordering the Audioengine A2 yesterday!!!
have a philips mike that has left and right outputs.maybe something like that conected to aux?
ear:have a philips mike that has left and right outputs.maybe something like that conected to aux?

The audio system in the venue doesn't have an aux.

Isn't there a band that might do the gig?? I heard some good things about 'Waxed'.........congratulations BB


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