1) A Panasonic 720p, 600 motion rate 42" plasma 2) A Panasonic 1080p, 100 motion rate 42" LED Will not be used for gamming, do not need to worry about screen reflection problems, sit about 7ft away, Your thoughts welcome please,
Sitting 7' away I'd probably choose neither. I'd go bigger. I sit almost 7' from my TV and it's 50".
Out of the two suggested and without seeing further specifications, and presuming all other things being equal I'd opt for the plasma - there's a lot of missing info though:
7' is too close for 42" HD ready in my opinion. Those pixels may be visable at 7' depending on your eye sight. Typically you can get closer to an LCD than a plasma because you don't see the swirly grain that occurs close up on plasma.
I must gently disagree with Paul - in my bedroom I'm (I've just measured it!) 7 feet from my 42-inch Pioneer 428XD, which is only HD ready, pixel resolution 1024 x 768, and all is well. And I can compare it with my other, bigger, Full HD sets. No problems with pixelation on the lowly 42" HD ready Pioneer.
I sit about 7 feet from a 32” 1366x768 (720p/1080i) screen. Looks fine to me.
If I went to 42” I think I would get a 1080p screen but if the 720p at the same price was overall better quality then I might stick with 720p. I have a friend with an approx 40” 720p screen and films/movies look great. We all sit a bit further away though so not a great comparison.