should i change or stick?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I currently have a setup which consists of the below,

2 x b&w dm601 s2 bookshelf speakers
2 x b&w dm603 s2 floor standing speakers
1 x cc6 s2 center speaker
Yamaha rxv361 amplifer

i have no sub at present, i have recently thought about changing to perhaps some smaller speakers as the above are pretty big speakers and i constantly get moaned at from the other half as they are "ugly and too big" according to her. Over the past few months since have HD i have noticed at times the above setup is pretty damn good, but there is times where it sounds as if something is lacking, perhaps the fact that i have no sub?? or maybe i have it setup incorrectly, anyhow the speaker package i have been looking at lately is the Q Acoustics 2000 5.1 package.

Is it worthwhile in me changing to something like that after having the b&w's. Am i going backwards or is it a step in the right direction, size is a big difference and they look very smart indeed in that gloss back, in terms of sound though are they significantly worse or better or can they not be compared as they are totally different???

the b&w's seem to hold there value quite well and i know at the time of them being new they were very expensive indeed but since then time has moved on an no doubt improved. So if anyone can advise me any pros / cons of changing or offer any insight to what i should do them please help me, ide be grateful, even if that maybe be getting a sub for my current setup.

Thanks for taking the time to read !!!
I wonder if you might be better off posting in the av section? There may be more takers in there man.
A system should sound good whether a sub is present or not.

It could be that the 361 just isn't up to the job of driving and controlling the B&W's. They do drop to 4 ohms, so can be a handful for entry level amplifiers. When an amplifier can't control the speaker, or doesn't have the necessary current to drive a speaker, it can sound very warm, very soft, lacking punch and attack. Bass lines lack definition, and more than likely it'll all sound a bit boomy. I've usually found in the past that the only amplifiers under £500 that drove the 600 series properly was the Rotels. A couple of Marantz models did well, like the PM7200 too. So if you want to keep your speaker, you'd have to be looking at an AV amp from around the £1,000 mark and upwards. If you want to keep your amp, something like the Q Acoustics will suit that amplifier much better, but they will be a step backwards in some respects. You could take a look at the Monitor Audio Vector package, or even their many Radius HD packages. You could also take a look at their new RX range, maybe base a system around the RX1.

Personally, I'd be looking at an RX1 package with something like a Yamaha 1065, or even a 2065 as a long term goal. Ask your girlfriend if she can put up with the B&W's for a bit longer, this way you can get a better amplifier first which will improves things massively. You never know, she may even grow to like them if they sound much better. Even if she doesn't, you get to keep your B&W's afor a bit longer while you save for somebetter speakers. Doing it this way you'll get an instant inprovement, whereas if you change your speakers first, you're still held back by the amplifier.

A sub will add an extra dimension, but it's not going to solve the issues you have.
Right so from what i got from that is, the amplifier is not a good match for my current speakers, so i can either change to one which you recommended or change the speakers and use the current amp but its a step backwards but i could look at other speaker packages which will be a step forward or on par?

in what respects will the q acoustics be a step backwards with my current amp? are you saying if i was to change amps the q acoustics would be better then the b&w's?
In essence, you need a more powerful AV receiver to 'get a grip' of the B&Ws. For the price of the Q Acoustic package you could get one of these....


I think you may regret a trade down.

well i was only going to sell the b&ws are i knew they hold value well, but i dont want a step down, by all means ide happily sell them for a step in the right direction and not downgrade and perhaps put a bit towards it, but i aint got that much cash to be splashing just yet.
Fair one, but if you sell the B&Ws even for a good price, the replacements, if they are to be comparable, will be equally as expensive as the B&Ws were when they were new.
right i see what u mean mate. So best bet is to sell my current amp and get a new one and it will sound a lot better ur saying? and im time add a sub? any ideas on a range of amps or subs? i aint got £1000 to spend on a amp, plus she wouldnt let me lol
The Onkyo I linked to can be had for less than £600. Still a lot I know, but the better power handling is only one benefit, in addition you'll get a whole raft of new features, including HDMI link for hi-res audio.

The best thing to do is to actually audition an amp and take yours in for comparison. Wait for an end of line or ex demo deal to get the best price. At the same time you could try out some different speaker packages in the shop using your amp. Check out all the options before deciding. It's your ears after all.

One thing is certain, if the amp can't handle the speakers properly, you are missing out on nice sound from the 600's.
aye i know, its something to aim for, but are they any older models of brands which will be just as good or alot better then what i have for cheaper prices 😛


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