should i bi-wire?


New member
Sep 4, 2008
ok so i've got the kit pioneer bdp 51fd and vsx lx60 sky hd and a toshiba 46xf355d with ae linear 3 for front and rear speakers and a linear sub i am using chord silverscreen to my fronts and my centre should i bi-wire the fronts (as i have been advised not to) is less more or can my sound be even better.
Personally I prefer to single wire and buy better quality cable for the same outlay.

I think it is also down to the crossovers as to whether there is a benfit or not.

Maybe AEJim can give advice about them??

Maybe see if you can borrow some cables and try it. Buy some (for example) £10 a meter biwire cable and compare it too a £10 a metre single wire cable.
well i guess if anyone has any experience with this log on plus dose upgrading the mains cable make a difference as this is the only upgrade i have left to make, hdmi's are qed perfomance and i would recommend them.

give you an example my tv is a tosh which has had motion complants, playing the dark night on bd used to have this problem but now after the new cable i notice them alot less and i have to admit some movies even on bd have more motion smear than others but dark night is of high quality (I use it as a bench mark)
Complete waste of time. I have tried it on numerous occasions on various systems ranging from budget-mid priced and it made no difference.


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