second sub connections


New member
Jan 6, 2010
hi all i have just purchased another sub for my setup. question is how do i connect it to run alongside my existing one with the onkyo 577 amp

help please cheers
thanks for that daveh75 it would appear that after a quick look at amp and sub i will need the splitter . i need to ask though do i fit the splitter at the amp or the back of the first sub? and does the quality of such splitter make a difference?

audioidiot1: i appreciate your help mate cheersThere are other splitter designs which are more flexible , try Maplins
it really shouldn`t make a difference where you split the sub connection but I would consider controlling how the subs are gonna work in your room as well, take a bit of time getting them setup correctly and see how it goes
thanks for your input guys its appreciated.

albriscoe could you explain what you mean by controlling how they work?

Hi i have not read the whole post but i think albriscoe means that you will need to balance the subs. Two subs means an extra 6DB of sound.You will need to tune each sub to 75db with the same crossover etc to make them work in harmony. if the bass is too much you will have to turn each sub down in equal amounts.
Does your amp have audyssey?i know my old 606 did.I take it that both subs are the same? the best way would be with an SPL meter from Maplin for about £30. However another way of doing it would be to set the volume control the same on both, run setup with one sub on and note subwoofer level ie 3.5DB on your amp,run the setup with the other sub on and the original one off.Make sure that the subwoofer level on amp is the same i.e 3.5db as before then run the setup with both subs on and you should be something like it.But the best way would be an SPL meter.
yes my amp has audyssey its the onkyo 577 entry level i know but it beats s--t out my old sony in a box job.i have the tannoy sfx speakers and now have 2 matching sfx subs one at the end of the sofa in the corner facing across the telly and it has great bass on its ownbut i want more so i bought another for the other end of sofa
Then the setup procedure i mentioned will work. But an SPL is a great investment. When using 2x subs they should be placed on opposing walls as this will counteract boundary gain control and dead spots(look at THX website) but as always follow your ear. i would have thought that with the subs that close they would be overpowering the other speakers. Try moving them further away from you and away from corners. But if you are a bass head run both near your sofa and enjoy.
thanks for that info going to look at that site. i,m a big bass head. not got the 2nd sub runnin yet i,m absorbing all information first but should be done at weekend.

many thanks again

thanks for that info going to look at that site. i,m a big bass head. not got the 2nd sub runnin yet i,m absorbing all information first but should be done at weekend.

many thanks again
With 2 subs sometimes you have to run one of the subs in reverse phase

albriscoe could you explain what you mean by controlling how they work?


what I mean is, just plonking the subs down in opposite corners won`t necessarily mean they are at their best.

Sub or subs are the one thing in any audio setup which imo take the longest to set up correctly, that said some people just like to hear them boom boom away and think its great, whereas others like it to be setup as well as can be within the rooms contraints you have. Also eq`ing a room/sub can be quite an upgrade to the subs overall performance.

I`m not a tinkerer myself, once my sub is setup correctly I`m not one for swapping and changing and messing about, I prefer to sit and listen rather than tinker so I`ve just invested in an Antimode 8033c to control the subs in my demo room and what a revelation they are, it has completely transformed what my subs were doing, not that they were terrible, they were`nt, but now to me they are just fantastic with tight controlled performance from them.

Getting 2 subs right in a room without some sort of eq`ing can be quite a challenge, sometimes its easier than others, depends on the room and the subs positioning, but with the Antimode its all done for you and takes literally 5 minutes.

see how you go and if you want any more help i`ll do my best to help you

thanks for that very usefull info AL. not managed to get it hooked up yet as been a bit busy with work again but when i do and no dought with probs i will be intouch.

many thanks for your help again cheers


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