Satellite connection to HDTV


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Dear readers,

I searched through forum topics and a globally used search engine for the answer to the following question, but have been unable to find a good answer. Perhaps you can help. Please forgive me if I am not posting in the appropriate category.

I'm a very pleased owner of a 9th generation Pioneer PDP-LX5090 HDTV that works just wonderfully in combination with a Panasonic DMP-BD35 Blu-Ray player. I also have a satellite dish that has 2 LNB (one for Hotbird, the other for Astra). I also own a nice but not so recent digital satellite receiver (EchoStar DSB-880 2ci) without HD capability that I used with my previous non-HD CRT television.

Is it possible to connect the coaxial cable directly from the dish to the ANT input terminal on the Pioneer TV and receive the signal (either free to air or scrambled via the Pioneer's CA module/smart card slot) and use the TV's DTV capabilities to search for (and display) the programs? I'm also wondering if I will get both audio and video and HD programming with this setup, or if I will get absolutely nothing 🙂? I confess that I would experiment doing this myself, and answering my own question, but I fear to damage the rather expensive Pioneer.

Regards and thanks,

Hello. Should I post this in a different category or continue to wait for responses?

This was my first post and am not sure of the forum protocol. Actually, is there a forum protocol or etiquette guide on this site?


I'd post it in the Freesat, Sky and Virgin forum - I know it's not quite right but I think you're more likely to find someone who knows the answer in there than in Home Cinema.

Oh and welcome to the forums! The only real protocol / etiquette guide is the House Rules - as long as you obey them you'll be fine! It's just common sense really

Welcome to the forums. Sometimes an answer can be a long time coming.

I think there is a guide to using the forums and etiquette somewhere on here.

Possibly a quicker response if you had placed it in the TV or satellite forum.

I don't think your proposal will work. A satellite set up requires a decoder box (SKY digibox for example) to decode the signals received - the Pioneer does not have this. A CAM card will work only through an aerial connection (AFAIK) but there may be SKY versions I haven't heard about.

SKY currently has an offer on their SKY+HD set up - £49 for the decoder then a reduced package price. I don't think there's similar offers on SKY+ but it's worth a phone call...

Edit: I see our resident professor has got in just before me - alarm clock must be set just a few seconds earlier!


Dear professorhat,

Thank you very much for the advice, link, and the welcome (not necessarily in that order 🙂 ). After reading the House Rules, now I'm afraid of violating rule #10 if I post this somewhere else:

"10) Members should not register more than once, nor submit the same or
similar posts to more than one area of the site
. Duplicate
registrations, threads or posts will be deleted. Members are also
encouraged to search for the topic they intend to post before starting
a new thread, as existing discussions may already exist for them to

Is there a button somewhere to move a post to a different category? What do you advise?

Thanks again,
Shows you how well I know the House Rules doesn't it! I wouldn't worry, if you say in your new post that there's an existing one in Home Cinema which should be deleted, I'm sure Andrew E (one of the main moderators here) will be merciful and let you off

If he doesn't, tell him I sent you
Dear Cofnchtr,

Thanks for your welcome and response. Yes, I had considered posting this in the "Freesat, Sky, Virgin" category but I don't subscribe to any of those providers (I'm not currently residing in the UK). I also considered posting in the TV category, but the posts seemed mostly geared toward purchase of televisions.

As I mentioned, the existing receiver box I have is non-HD. I wasn't sure if the Pioneer could natively process (or decode, if you like) the signal coming from satellite, especially since the TV includes the CA slot. So I take it from what you say that an aerial connection signal is unencoded by definition? But then it begs question, is HD programming being broadcast "over the air" anywhere in Europe?

Ok, professorhat, I'll give it a try. I won't talk about moderation...

Thanks again,
Ok... I posted my question in the Freesat, Sky and Virgin Satellite category. This topic can be deleted here.

My appreciation to professorhat and
Cofnchtr for their responses and advice here.



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