Samsung UE40C8000 or Samsung LE40C750


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Both these TVs get a 5 star rating, and while MOH loves the thinness (and colour) of the UE40C8000, I am playing the role of bank manager...

Is there a huge difference in program quality between the 2 in 2D mode? I think a previous post postulated that folk buy great 2D, with 3D as a "for the future" nice-to-have.

I am firmly in that camp, and with the Japan tragedy and manufacturing implications (reduced competition from Sony and Panasonic), I'm thinking - rather than wait for the 2011 "quantum" improvements, should I go for something now, while prices seem pretty good.

In which case, the question is ....
Is the Samsung UE40C8000 worth the extra dosh?
I forgot to add - mostly DVD, some Blu-Ray, HD Satellite (not Sky), no current 3D discs (other than a couple of old DVDs with green/red glasses).....
You haven't realy stated what you want either TV for. gaming/dvds/blu-rays/internet or what not. But heres more info on both;

The UE40C8000

The LE40C750


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