Samsung PS51D550 Pink/Purple bands


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Dec 21, 2008
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I originally purchased a panasonic plasma which had green blobs, this was exchanged for the above samsung set which was great until just after a years use started showing pink flashes or bands on the screen.Seen on white backgrounds.

I phoned samsung and they were really good, they aranged for the pannel to be replaced which worked fine but now it is starting to show the same signs,although not as bad as before.The new pannel was fine for approx 3 months.

They have agreed to fix the set again even though it is out of guarantee but my conceren is that this will happen again.

Has anyone else has a similar problem ?

Have I just been unlucky and should I just go ahead with the 2nd repair ?

Thank you for any advice


I presume they're replacing the panel free of charge, if so, why wouldn't you get it done?

You may be a bit unlucky that the tv has had faults, but very lucky that Samsung are looking after you outside of the warranty period.


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Dec 21, 2008
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As there is no cost to me involved I will probably just go ahead.

I just didn't want the same problem a few months down the line.

There may be an option to exchange for a different set and paying the extra, there does seem to be a few issues with pink flashing with samsung plasmas after doing a search.Not specifically for the same one as mine though.

I suppose I will get the repair done and contact them again if it reappears.

They do seem very willing to help.


It's good service from Samsung to repair outside of the warranty, but I doubt very much that they would replace it with another model.

I might be wrong, but I do doubt it.


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Apr 16, 2013
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Hi Vonchief,

You are not alone, had my PS51D550 for just over 12 months, same thing is happening to me.

I've contacted Samsung but no response so far, shame its a really good TV, sounds like there may be some issues with this models screen.

Hopefully I'll get the same good service from them, we'll see!


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Dec 21, 2008
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Yes I have now had the second screen replaced.

The 1st replacement started showing the same signs after only a couple of months.

This new one has been in a couple of weeks and seems fine. Fingers crossed.

It does seem quite a common problem , I keep thinking it may return at any time and this new panel is only guaanteed for 3 months.

I have had great service from Samsung, one phone call and they were straight onto it.

I hope you get yours sorted without too much fuss.


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