Samsung PS50B650 vs Panasonic TX-P50G10


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am thinking of getting either of these but can't decide which. Heard really good things of panasonic but rating on here is better for the Samsung, but it feels like Samsung is more of an unknown. Can anyone recommend which is the best to go for?
ferretboy: but it feels like Samsung is more of an unknown.

Not quite sure what you mean by that

Both TVs you have shortlisted are very good TVs at their price point and either would serve you well.

I am guessing from your statement about Samsung that you mean you don't have much knowledge of their Plasmas as many would see Panasonic in a higher regard over Samsung concerning Plasma TVs which I can understand as my first Plaz was a Panasonic series 5 and in all honesty Samsung plasmas back then were nowhere near the Panasonic.But things have changed and now Samsung makes some cracking plasma TVs, and the PS50B650 is one of them.

I would go and see both TVs in action and go with the TV you prefer, personally I think the Samsung is a much more pleasing on the eye TV astecially which may or may not be important to you, but ultimatly it is your money and you must go with the TV you personally prefer and not just the one which beats another in a review.


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