Is that it????
Two new Sony players, we've known about these for months, didn't you say "because we've got some exclusive Blu-ray player news due 1st August, too, which could shake up whole budget HD player sector." that's hardly a shake up of the "Budget HD sector".
Some would argue that the BDP1500 is still a better player than these two and the 1500 is what you would call a real "budget player", the Sony's I would not, especially with the problems already encountered with the 3&500 models.
Stick with the Samsung's, Panasonic or even the PS3 IMHO.
That's another thing, how can Sony, produce such a good (well no better IMO) player in the PS3 and get it hopelessly wrong with the 3/500. I wouldn't hold your breath..... and certainly will not shake up the budget sector.
OMO, of course.