Samsung 55es8000


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Hi guys and gals... Need some help I have got said tv hooked up to my ps3 for gaming and watching movies.. The issue I have when watching a movie the picture is really bad.. The new star trek movie is unwatchable the is this grainy effect through the whole movie. Went to local currys today and tested the tv with a stand alone blu-ray player and same issue would this be a movie issue or tv...? Thanks in advance
I saw this tv in John Lewis, and the picture to me didn't look at all good. But, the reviews are good, so it's most likely to be your settings.

Have you changed the settings since you bought the tv?

The out of the box settings on any tv are rarely good, so have a look at the internet for some picture settings.

Not sure if I can link to another site, but I'll try. This is a very good site for really detailed reviews and information about settings. They also have a forum area, so you may be able to find something there.

Sorry I can't help more, but there are other owners on here, so hopefully someone will be better equipped to help.
thanks for the reply.. yeah could try that.. I have tried playing aroud with the settings but the picture as not changed..! the grainy picture kinda moves aswell like loads of blak dots hard to explain not sure if i should just change it for the new sony 55hx823..?

Kinda think all these new led tv are not up to the job im on my second es8000 ive had the lg 47lw650t that went back after 4 times have they all got there own issues.
I'm a plasma man, and the new Panasonics look great. Saw the 50GT50 in John Lewis the same day I saw the 55ES8000, and the Pana was so superior to it IMO, but it could just be the settings on the ES, so maybe give them a try.

Just a thought, could it be the PS3 that is causing the trouble?
cant be ps3 took movie to local currys and picure was the same... other half says it looks like a swarm bees from a distance really wierd picture..
Try the settings then, it could be that. If not, buy a plasma
Yeah will do... Not sure about plasma to be honest.. screen retention,burn, all this having to run the set in...!
Don't get it with modern plasmas, mine is nearly 4 years old, not a bit of image retention.
I had the samsung ps51d550 (think this is the model) which was not a good tv. image retention was bad and had a problem with little green dots all over the screen when in 3d.. This was proberly due to it being a cheap tv..!
disney pixr movies are crystal clear but normal movies ie star trek and say pirates of the caribbean its quite bad..
fubar925 said:
I had the samsung ps51d550 (think this is the model) which was not a good tv. image retention was bad and had a problem with little green dots all over the screen when in 3d.. This was proberly due to it being a cheap tv..!

Panasonics are much superior to Samsung plasmas. Looks like you're not having much luck with Samsung TVs! 😉
Yeah looks that way and lg...... Really though are plasmas better....? Or do they both have pros and cons... Not sure what to do keep Samsung or go with Sony or swap to plasma....HELP... Wish te would hurry up wit oled or go back to CRT.
Try the settings then, it could be that. If not, buy a plasma

fubar925 said:
Yeah will do... Not sure about plasma to be honest.. screen retention,burn, all this having to run the set in...!

Don't get it with modern plasmas, mine is nearly 4 years old, not a bit of image retention.

fubar925 said:
I had the samsung ps51d550 (think this is the model) which was not a good tv. image retention was bad and had a problem with little green dots all over the screen when in 3d.. This was proberly due to it being a cheap tv..!

bigboss said:
Panasonics are much superior to Samsung plasmas. Looks like you're not having much luck with Samsung TVs! 😉

I just don't understand how a well-reviewed television manages to look bad both in your house and at Currys. If you do go to plasma, remember that certainly not all plasmas are the same. Having had a sad encounter with an LG plasma over New Year, and as an owner of two generations of Pioneer plasmas and also of a Samsung plasma, and lastly having recently seen a calibrated Panasonic 65VT50 plasma, I'd say that for normal televsion viewing, including HD broadcasts, there is not much difference between the various plasmas that I personally have seen. I don't game, so I can't comment on that aspect of TV performance. I'll just gently disagree with BigBernardBresslaw, the brand new LG 60PZ950T plasma that I had for about 5 weeks did have image retention, which however I've not seen in any of the other plasmas I mention. For movies however, the better blackness of the 65" Panasonic means that it is better than my Samsung, which is still very good. But for movies, I'd go for a new Panasonic plasma, the ST50, GT50 and VT50 series. If you like the LED type of picture, the ST50 series are said to be a bit brighter than the top-of-the-range VT50 series.
fubar925 said:
Yeah looks that way and lg...... Really though are plasmas better....? Or do they both have pros and cons... Not sure what to do keep Samsung or go with Sony or swap to plasma....HELP... Wish te would hurry up wit oled or go back to CRT.

You really need to demo different TVs regardless of technology & pick which is the best to your eyes. Another worthy contender is Sony HX853, which is the best LED lit LCD TV I've seen.

Both LCD (& LED lit LCD) & plasma have their advantages & drawbacks. Plasmas inherently have better refresh rates & motion control, & are generally considered good for gaming (although newer LCD sets are catching up fast).

Image retention & screen burn is generally not a problem with modern good plasmas, as long as you don't pause a programme for hours. Remember that image retention is temporary & goes away completely. Just be careful during the first 200 hours or so while the TV is running in (don't watch TV in "dynamic mode" for example).
This is what hdtvtest said about this tv...... it does mention the grain issue i seem to have.. Spoke to local shop they are going to take tv back but this my second should i get same again and risk picture issues and auto turn off/on issue or cut my losses and go with the sony (but then again this seems to have issues).. Cant belive all these tvs have issue and we are supposed to accept this as course?

The UE55ES8000 is another Samsung display which features forced noise reduction, although a bug which caused severe film grain blurring with this feature has been corrected on this 2012 model. There’s still some noise reduction present even with the user has turned the control off though, meaning that some film grain textures become blurred and the look of high quality Blu-ray Discs is changed by the TV. This does cause them to appear perceptibly less detailed. Most users are unlikely to notice, but image quality enthusiasts might find themselves looking to competitors who allow full control over this feature.
Looks like there in some kind of inherent problem with this tv, so my advice would be to go to your local John Lewis, demo 2 or 3 tvs with your own blu ray discs, and make your choice.

If you do choose a plasma, get some advice on settings for the initial run in period, and also ask if their 5 year warranty would cover for any screen burn.

As son of sj said, the ST model will go brighter than the other new Panasonic plasma models, so if your preference is for a brighter picture, this could be for you. Plus, it's the cheapest in the range.

But as I said, try John Lewis, great customer service, 5 year warranty, can't go wrong.
Hey thanks for the reply I cant get to local jl im affraid plus already brought tv from apollo2000 so can only swap with them plus to be fair thay have been great really great... Also dont think I want a plasma...

Bigboss-: sonos system whats the best streaming service? I can deezer for £4.99 premium from orange? any good?
fubar925 i think if you spent some more time playing with the settings, you could of diguised some of the grain effect in a positive way without loses clarity and destroying the picture,even though some films are grainy anyway ( transformers / 300 ) are just two examples. On my es6800 i have a spot on picture through proper trial and error picture adjustments.Out of the box i nearly put my foot through it
I set this TV up using the What HiFi txh disk.

It still wasn't great.

Then I just tinkered until I was happy.

Call it luck or intuition, but I was finally happy. I watched Batman Begins on Saturday, my first movie since getting the TV. And I was blown away by the image quality.

And when I stuck on the D ark Knight Imax prologue, showing the bank scene, hand on heart, I simply felt like I was there. Never felt such reality from a picture before.

So, like a good receiver and speaker combo, it is all about the set up.
Well done for finally getting it set up as you now like it! If you are feeling charitable perhaps you could publish your picture settings, in as much detail as you can ...? I don't think that I'll be buying this TV, but other buyers may find your settings useful.


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