Samsung 2010 range


New member
Aug 10, 2019
It's great to see the details on Sony's 2010 range on Friday and tomorrow we will get to see the Panasonic range, but do you have any details on when we will get to see the UK samsung 2010 range? Are they also having a UK/Europe press day?
anybody? what hifi team do you have any details on when we can expect to hear about the Samsung 2010 UK models and prices?
Hi Andrew, thanks for the reply. Do you have any details on the 2010 sets for the UK yourselves? or is it a case of just waiting for the samsung uk website to be updated.
Samsung traditionally has a dealer event in early March at Stamford Bridge (they have a conference-centre at the stadium; it's not on the pitch!), where they showcase all the new products for the UK, including details on pricing etc etc. I'd expect to get a media preview at the same time.

We'll bring you any more info we get in the meantime; for example, there's rumour of exclusive review kit due any day now....
And even better, we've just had an entire team from Samsung in the building, bringing us an exclusive first sample of the 3D C7000 40in LCD/LED TV and 3D BD-C6900 Blu-ray player to test. We'll publish our full verdict in the April issue of the magazine, on sale March 10th.

And in reply to the OP, I managed to pin down some details on the rest of the Samsung 2010 range (and boy, is it a big one!) as you can read in our News story. We'll update it with more prices and release dates at the press launch on March 9th.
That's great news. Do you know the model number of the c7000 you have, is it UE40C7000?
Whats this about the first set suffering from 'inconsistent backlighting' . Thats not a good sign, no try before you buy warning?
Forgot to add the model number in my disgust! The samsung UE40C7000 3D, i didn't think edge lit or full array led tvs suffered from this trait!!
they do , last years 55in edge lit samsungs suffered with clouding quite badly , sony are bringing out a range of edge lit models this year too , lets hope they will also be less prone to clouding , anyone spending 2-3k on a big 3d lcd tv aint gonna want clouding ...


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