I got onto the DV7001 through the mag, and yes, I do think it's good at it's multi-format duties, at that price point. However, and I'm sure the mag staff and others with far more experience will tell you, you will always get better quality from a box dedicated to a particular task/format. I was just at a budget and point starting out into a AVÿset upÿthat it suited me, and I also knew a good majority of my music playing would increasingly also come via digital with something like a Sonos/AppleTV/separate DAC, so the CD playing wasn't SO important to me, but least it was there if and when...
THAT was the theory ! However, on getting it all set up and my first few sessions with it all, I seem to have thrown all my early thoughts and priorities out the window! I HAD presumed I'd be on a Marantz upgrade path, and already had my eager eyes on their new Pre/Pro units in the 8003 range (which are certainly getting good audio reviews) and then I guess going Blu-ray at some point (Marantz's BD8002 would seem the logical replacement for the DV7001).....BUT, I've sort of stopped in my tracks.
As I've said above, and elsewhere, I've been a bitÿdisappointedÿwith the music sound I'm getting. To be honest, I don't think that's down to any of the Marantz (It's reputation intact!), more the speakers....but it has reminded me and brought it home that music should have been more of a priority for me. I thought I had chosen well in terms of decent 'compromise' AV/Audio kit, but stereo just seems bland and has no body in the mid-range....Sure,the B&W's sound great with movies/tv and some multi channel music, but anything from 2 channel seems to be lacking. Perhaps I was expecting too much and I'm being harsh as my room is quite large and 'hard', and they are sats after all...I also have to fess up and admit I bought them blind (well, deaf), so fingers burnt and lesson learnt there!
I think a change of speakers will keep me happy for a while and hopefully rectify some of my complaints, although it's a bit of a problem with my room layout.ÿ
Back to your question, I do think the DV7001 is a good CD player, but, I think the important thing is for to decide on what is the important priority (if any), as my experience indicates! I can't really comment on any £400 player as I don't know, but if you were to compare a Naim 5i, which I think is roughly the similar list price as the Marantz, there would be no competition would there....Perhaps that's a bit unfair, but you get my drift. If you DO want a £700 box that does both for you to a pretty good level, thenÿdefinitelyÿgo ahead....
I can't really comment on the DAC in the player vs the one on the SR - I just haven't had much time to play around yet, so sorry. I only got it up and running about a month ago. At a guess, I'd say probably the player has the edge, just based on the fact that the Amp has so much else crammed into it, for not much more cost - but as I say, that's pure speculation.ÿ
Don't know what your time scale is Ian, but it might also be worth hanging on for a bit if you are not in a hurry. The DV7001 has been out for a while, and with Marantz bringing out new gear in the '3' range, they MAY be a new DVD/universal player coming....Pureÿspeculationÿon my part again though. There's also the BD8002, though more expensive, and I haven't seen any reviews re it's CD performance. But if you get aÿbargainÿon the 7001, go for it I'd say, I don't think there is anything else at that budget.
Incidentally, I'm not sure what the UK prices are, but one factor in me getting the Marantz kit was that it is so much cheaper out here in Thailand (more so Singapore where I got the 8002), I mean we're talking nearly 1/2 price...!
I think that unless I do do the 8003 thing, or even if I do,ÿultimately I'm going to change the whole set up, and do what I should have done in the first place (had I the budget), stick to myÿarchitecturalÿroutes of no compromise (!), and build a Naim audio and AV set up....although obviously this is aÿcompletelyÿdifferent league (slight problem for SACD player though, and their DVD5 is fairly low spec these days)....Anyway, I'm saving pennies ! So if you want some Marantz gear barely out of the box, you know where I am...!
Er, sorry this got long...I'mÿwaffling ! SCÿ